Wednesday 23 January 2013


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "This Morning's Exchange":

A well deserved Whack at that critic. Everyone is heartily sick of talk about the Jazz Group. And we may not be done with them yet. Last year, Sher did not decide until March to hold that event. They are waiting & hoping no other outfit applies and will then pounce. This was made very clear in Councillor Gaertner's many comments last night trying to make sure that " fencing " did not get vetoed. " They really want that annual cash in-flow. Which, by the way, does not flow into the rest of the town as all food and product is confined behind the fencing.

The sanctimonious crap  irritates  me more than anything.
No-one seemed to notice, the Optimists and  Rotary Clubs were not  providing  food and  beer garden at the last event.
The clubs work hard at what they do. Every penny they raise is invested back into the community.
They were informed  by the organizers  in 2012,  all proceeds  from their efforts had to be handed over to the organizers 
Sayonara was the  response .. 
No doubt volunteers work at the event for nothing. 
Organizers  however, leave with pockets bulging.
A fraction of the  proceeds are squeezed out  for a couple of named charities to create an  illusion .
And the community is expected   to prostrate themselves in  humility and appreciation of "volunteerism" while no deity other than Mamon  himself  was ever  better served
No doubt the Optimists and Rotary are still willing to work on the holiday week-end to raise funds for the community. 
Town staff are perfectly competent to solicit sponsorships and book  groups  for entertainment. It is their job. Their reason for being.
We have a Sesqui-Centennial Committee with a budget from public resources   
Just let's get on with it and stop farting about.   


  1. As your critics are always saying, " Let's move on." The Council has set up the standards by which anyone can apply. The ball in not in their court any longer. Although I was disappointed when Mr. Cuthbert declined for the Rotary. I must have misunderstood what he had said previously.


  2. Well said.

    The St. Kitts group should only be allowed in our town with a visa or they should go the long way around from King to Newmarket.


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