Wednesday 16 January 2013

Some Things In Life Are Not Free

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Applause":

Couple of questions. 

Why does Pirri not pay taxes? 
What is the cost of someone's safety? Is $89,000 too much for pedestrian safety? 
These types of decisions seem to no-brainers to me.
What was the alternate solution? 
I guess you don't have to tell us what side that you came down on. What was the final vote? 
I guess this is the political "game" you alway talk about enjoying so much.
People who own property  pay taxes.People who rent property pay taxes. Children who live at home with parents seldom pay taxes. .
The function of an arterial collector is to collect traffic and distribute it  far and wide. 
Multiple residentila buildings are located on arterial collectors, by design. 
It's  not acceptable for a multiple buildings to be spilling out traffic into single family residential streets. 
It's been done that way for years.
Shopping and other services are generally convenient to collector roads. 
People have a choice. To  live in a quiet backwater, well away from the busy hub. . Or live in the hub and enjoy convenience.
It 's  a  personal choice.
People take responsibility for their own life style  by the choices they make. .
Signalized  pedestrian crossing  at a cost of $90,000 a pop available on request, with no measurements of need is not a no-brainer. 
We  live together and we share responsibility for the cost..
There are people with unlimited resources, who have no concerns about the cost of living. 
Others  are well off  but are concerned that  taxes are used wisely. 
Other people still  are not  well off.   Should they be forced from their homes because taxes  rise without checks or balances.
don't think so. I  don't pretend to speak for those  with unlimited resources and no thought or care about how they are used. 
Besides that, my  reasoning  in that post was not about the cost of the signalized intersection.  
It was  about  the money spent for the recommendation that was made.  
People  on the public payroll did  the job they  were asked  to do,with all attendant cost. 
Then  the results of the work was  swept  aside like it never needed to be done in the first place. 
If  decisions to satisfy everyone  could be made   by  politicians with no  professional input, budgets could be cut by eighty-percent. We could  have all the signalized pedestrian crossings antone could want and  give away millions to whoever asks   and still reduce  taxes substantially
Try not to be such a jackass.


  1. Your critic has been misinformed. It was Councillor Ballard who proclaimed, " Let the Games begin, " at his swearing in, or whatever, to Council.

  2. So you are saying that because Pirri lives at home with his parents, his views about using tax payer money are not valid? By extension, does that mean the he should not be a councillor because of his living arrangements?

    I would think that if someone has the balls to get elected, regardless of their living arrangements, their views are as equal as anyone else.

  3. Paul Pirri is the only member of council who actually grew up in Aurora, right?

  4. 9:33 AM
    Please. Why would that be significant? More little boxes that you are trying to fill? He will be judged on what he does or doesn't do. As is proper. Do you know where any members of the past Council were born? Or the one before that?

  5. "Do you know where any members of the past Council were born? Or the one before that?"

    Why would that be significant?


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