Sunday 24 February 2013

Degrees of Difference, Easily Identifiable

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Jehosophat and Geat Balls OF Fire":

It certainly is not rural!


Well, that can be argued. 

An estate lot must be large enough to accommodate a septic tank and a well, of sufficient distance from the septic tank.

Rural homes  do not receive urban services.

There are no water lines or sanitary sewers in rural roads. 

It's the difference between rural and urban. There are other differences but that's the main distinction. 

My neighbourhood was built with water services and sanitary sewers. Roads however,  were classified semi-rural.  They had no storm sewers.  curbs. or  sidewalks. 

Storm drainage was by ditch and culvert. The same as rural roads. 

My street, fifty-two years old is the last to be re-constructed to urban standards in my neighbourhood

When it happens, sidewalk and boulevard will be provided on one side of the road.  It's passing strange that Hunter's Glen, built twenty  years later, is scheduled for reconstruction before mine.

Two years ago, I had to  join in  battle with residents  o Glass Drive, with two schools and a park,  to be re-constructed with sidewalks for the safety of the schoolchildren. 

On my street, ditches and culverts will be replaced with storm sewers, gutters,  catch basins and curbs. 

Then like the rest of my neighbourhood it will no longer be semi-rural. 

It will be urban. 

I didn't see ditches and culverts on Hunter's Glen when I drove down there the other day.  So I'm not sure about storm sewers. But I am certain about septic tanks and wells on each lot. No urban services  are provided.

Hence it's not urban.

It is a neighbourhood.

It's not a farmhouse sitting in  relative isolation 

But it's more rural than it is urban.

Maybe we can stop this fruitless argument now 


1 comment:

  1. The Aurora Works Dept. has been patching up a section of Kennedy Street West this winter with asphalt that they have to get from the city this time of year. The pot-holes are very deep in spots & the traffic is heavy. The real fixing is due in about 3 years which puts it about the same time as Murray Drive. We seem to have our priorities skewed to blow a bundle on a road in decent shape in that sub-division.....two levels of service?


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