Wednesday 27 February 2013

Logic Prevails..or not

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "An Echo from Tthe past":

Who voted with you in support of the resolutions?

I believe the Mayor voted with me on the resolutions to refer the two properties to the legal department for review.

It was really quite extraordinary.  The resolutions were simply seeking a legal perspective. 

Councillor Thompson said he would have preferred the wording to be more generic. I'm not sure how much more generic the term  "properties" and "tax status " could be.

That's why I think the fear was about  losing support from the men's soccer club.

It wasn't a waste of time though.

It's satisfying  when one has  a resolution  approved .by Council. 

But  it's  useful to have the debate 

Any time there's a debate, there's an opportunity to measure capacity for reason


  1. Reason is subjective.

  2. Talking about Reason or the lack thereof. We are late getting to the tape from last night. Had to quit when Hanzel & Gretel claimed to have no conflict over the Code of Conduct. Too much at one sitting before a meal.


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