Tuesday 12 February 2013

Makes No Sense No Matter How you Look At It

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Modern Oracle":

You need to frame your questions to the proper staff. You will find that your assumptions of what they do to install the "liner" is not what you think it is.

They use a process call CIPP "cured in place pipe" lining. While this is not the company that does it here, check this installation description.


There is no "cutting" into the pipes.


How the work is done is not really relevant. 

What  matters  is  it's'being done at taxpayers' expense  and  there is no  method of measuring  effectiveness.

I have asked the question.. That was the answers.

I think staff were sold a bill ogoods and council accepted staff recommendations. 

They're still approving the  itemin the budget  despite knoowing
discovery. there is no way of knowing the process / does what is claimed.
Our  town and other towns bought a pig in a poke.  

New subdivisions are being  approved  every day. I   hear  nothing of  a new design of pipe being  required that includes a fibreglass 

If the  boondoggle continues taxpayers will end up paying to re-line  pipes in new subdivisions as well. 


 $80,000  was added to the budget for a  signalised pedestrian crosswalk  on John West Way because  new residents have to wait a full minute to cross safely.

The $80.000  crosswalk should have been included in charges to the developer when the project was approved.

But it  wasn't.

So the developer  walks away with the profit and  the rest of us  to pay the piper for an amenity only that neighbourhood  requires.

Come to think of it, that should probably be paid for by  local improvement tax. .  


1 comment:

  1. You're cooking ! Have a good council meeting tonight. The trolls are busily writing their scripts. Too bad none of them can speak without notes.


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