Sunday 3 February 2013


Robyn, Adam's sister posted an hour ago. 
The team had  two more "huge" wins  today against Bangladesh and Malaysia. 
Gold is in Sight. Tomorrow is the semi-final. 
Tuesday is the game for Gold.
To-day is the Mayor's Sesqui-Centennial levee at the town park.
There's an ice surface. Public skating and possibly broom ball. 
Every living Councillor and former Councillor has been invited for a commemorative photo. 
I was up early this morning. 
I didn't write a blog. I intended to be ready in plenty of time..
It's cold but it's not the cold that worries me. It's the conditions underfoot.
There are many things I  can't  do any more. Like skate or play broom ball.Or dance the fandango. Or  walk with any certainty on an uneven surface.
In my whole life, I haven't done any of those things. Much as I would have liked to.
The Sesqui-Centennial committee has worked hard in a short space of time to organise the program. 
If I don't go, I will be letting them down.
On the other hand, nobody should have  to worry about my well-being  at an event like this.
Discretion is the better part of valour.
In this instance, I should recognise my own limitations.
And wish everyone  a very merry time.  


  1. Exciting times indeed sit back and enjoy the moment!!!!!

  2. Oops, so sorry. That joke about the photo-shopping must have landed you in it with the P.C bunch. It was just a bloody joke!

  3. It was a pretty pathetic turnout for the photo. When even all of the current council can't be bothered to show up, it's rather feeble. Good for Walt Davis to make the effort, though.


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