Sunday 24 February 2013

Pride Of Place

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Collegiality?":

"It's also natural that those without experience might prefer everyone to function at the same level so lack thereof is not so blatantly obvious."

What you see is a virtue can easily be dismissed as irrelevant by many. Particularly when that "experience" is rooted in the 1960s and '70s, when Aurora was a much different place, and your council colleagues didn't live here (or were even born).


Once again, right you are.

 Experience and  knowledge of the community's history could  and is easily  dismissed as  irrelevant by many. Especially if one lives in a ten year-old townhouse on the east side of town, has no interest,doesn't identify with the town, or wasn't even born within the last three decades. 

If however, one has aspirations to represent the community as a Councillor or even as Mayor, it would be unwise to dismiss as irrelevant, the history of a significant percentage of the community, who are proud to be several generations Aurora or at least long-term residents. who don't feel in the least bit irrelevant. 

1 comment:

  1. Gosh. I thought that character had taken a hike. Why is it playing the ageism card now? Past history, if I may use that term, has taught us that when the nay-sayers and know-it-alls protest loudest and make the most complicated plans, they hit the wall.


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