Monday 18 February 2013

The Plan Went Awry

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Tale of Whoa,Whoa,Whoa":

London has the ward system so it is easy to identify your own personal villain. All the names & wards are now listed in the comments on that Macleans' item. Sounds like small potatoes to people from Aurora who got really ripped off by a Council back in the day.


I gather from the Maclean"s piece the information was disclosed that four Councillors refused to accept the medals and the vote in camera was not unanimous 
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "George Bernard Shaw Alive and Well":

What, in your opinion, was behind that decision not to sell the land to the police?.

 In my opinion, it was a plan gone awry. 

 One  intent was to further humiliate  the CAO of the day.
His contract  had to be honoured if the arrangement with the town went sour. 
If they could make his life a living hell sufficient to  make  him  quit  they wouldn't have to honour the contract. 

The second  purpose  I believe was to  fix things so the  former Mayor got  credit for landing the Police Headquarters for Aurora. 

The Police had already purchased a parcel from the town during the previous term . When their offer to purchase a second at market value was not accepted, they did not pursue the issue. 

Instead,  an extra floor was added to the the building  eventually constructed on the original parcel I'm not sure they've moved in yet. They had to build a two million dollar parking facility to make up  required parking and they still had to come back for extra  space. 

The CAO went out on his own terms.    


  1. That was spectacularly dumb! Aurora really wanted to have the police located in town. Right up there with ' rescuing ' Petch, importing leagues of big-city lawyers, chicanes, eliminating as many staff from the past Council as possible, instituting law-suits against residents...........the list just rolls on.

  2. That determined run at a staff member last week was like a blast from the past. Same orchestration ? It was most refreshing to see the saner Councillors deflect the attack.

  3. The London situation is a reason NOT to have a ward system. It makes it too easy for rogue councilors to target another one for political reasons. If the last lot could have isolated Evelyn, they would have done it. If this is put on the next ballot, I will try to ensure it does not pass.

  4. I have been reading the Auroran. It has led me to speculate. Is it possible that all of the former Mayor's legal bills have been covered by Aurora's insurance plan? The reason for this query is that whenever she is asked about the town cutting off funding for the non-defamation SLAPP lawsuit, she replies carefully, " So it has been purported."
    Food for thought only

  5. "If the last lot could have isolated Evelyn, they would have done it."

    They did do it. They worked so hard to do it. The stupid thing is that they didn't need to.


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