Thursday 14 February 2013

The Force Is With You

Quiet please has left a new comment on your post "Boondoggle Is In The Eye Of The Beholder":

I have to admit I am not a supporter of Clr.Gallo but he did have a valid point and the Mayor needs to stop cutting people off.As Brock Weir mentioned in his editorial,I would also like to hear all councilors equally including Clr.Buck.


Things are not always what they seem.  At times they be tricky

Chairing a meeting is not the same thing as watching the meeting. 

It's a moving force.  

I am assuming  readers are interested in the gritty details.

You have to be able to anticipate the direction to be able to keep it going to its logical  end.
Eight Councillors take turns at chairing committee meetings. We chair twice. Then not again for months.

It's not a lot of time time to acquire skill. You can't pusssy-foot around things.  It's easier for me because I did it for six years as Mayor. But that was a while ago and  it's  an exercise that needs  practice. And confidence.

Last week, when I saw Rebecca Beaton  listed as a delegate, I knew something was  cooking. The purpose of  the delegation was not .noted. 

Order in committee  is  more flexible than Council. 

When the questions started, it was clear the focus was the soccer dome contract and the director's involvement.

A decision had to be made;

1. Stop the  questions  and risk making it appear to be evasion. 

2. Allow the questions to be answered  precisely, signifying  no need for evasion. 

A plot was afoot. Rebecca  has old alliances on council.  If I stopped her in her tracks, there would be objections  from  her  friends.  There would be a wrangle.

A split second decision had to be made.
I allowed the questions
They were answered precisely.
Five minutes  were soon exhausted. 
No points were scored.
The essence of the plot was revealed.

Councillors  Gallo, Gaertner and Ballard  planned to pin the Director's hide to the wall for what they perceived to be a bad contract signed with the Soccer Dome operator.

I did what it took to stop that from happening as well.

The Council of the day, which included Councillor Gaertner and myself, authorised the contract  be signed.

The Chair  of a meeting is a position of authority.

Not much point in being there, if one is un- inclined to use it to good effect.

Do whatever it takes to get the job done. 

The way it is intended.    



  1. Heads Up !!!!
    Florida has passed a new law that all drivers must have an International Drivers' License. You can get it from the CAA for $25.00 plus photo money. Unless you are a trucker, you MUST have the damn thing. Just in case anyone reading the Blog knows of family or friends planning that trip.

  2. Any chance that the town will post the GC live streams with audio that actually works. I know being Jar Jar (as I was previously called, I’m guessing by RTB) I’m using to listening to C3PO and R2D2, but come on. At least post something that works.

  3. Just noticed the Town has put the livestream on YouTube. Their account can be found at:

  4. It is quite bizarre to watch Council meetings & see these convoluted plots hit the wall. Do they think we don't notice?

  5. Council meetings at times are both painful & hilarious to watch. I keep saying to myself "you've got to be kidding". It makes me switch channels for a period and go back to it during the commercials. I really feel for the Town staff when some councillors try to put them through their paces and try to get info "on camera" so they can start pointing fingers, but then it seems to backfire on them.


If you've got a comment, this is the place to leave it for me. Please feel free to leave your name, or even just an email address if you'd like a response. You can also email me directly.