Saturday 23 February 2013

Times They Are Achanging

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Believe If You Must":

Councillor Ballard is boasting about the sudden traffic to his Blog. That would likely be us. I do hope he does not interpret the interest as supportive of his rudeness to Lucid. There are, in fact, very few comments of support. Everyone will have a look at a snake shedding it's skin. Doesn't mean you want it as a house pet.


I am still not reading Councillor Ballard's blog. 

It's necessary to maintain civility in the Council chamber. It's one of the rules.

Except for occasionally using the forum inappropriately,  the Councillor does maintain civility.  We regularly find ourselves in agreement on various issues.  

It's  how we are supposed to conduct ourselves as Councillors.There's neither time nor a place for personal spats.

I am not much interested in  detrimental  comments made about me  outside of Council. It's too late now. Whatever burden  the Councilor  is carrying , is his to deal with. 

Since  Clownsil Watch  has been in place, a lot less vitriol flows in this direction as well. So that's a plus. At least the Councillor puts his name on whatever he has to say.  Although the other is apparently readily recognised by all who habituate. 

I started this blog in 2007. It was followed by the now dormant Aurora Citizen.  Then  came Chris Watt's  blog  then Anna's pictorial journal and now Council Ballard and Clownsil Watch. 

There will be others Some will be well received and some will peter out as they should. All will provide a glimpse into the mind of a resident of how differently  things are viewed

Undoubtedly,  the times  will never be the same again.      


  1. You comment that councillor Ballard puts his name on what he writes. There is some suspicion in that regard - see Christopher's Blog. The problem is an unattributed article in the Banner which slams Lucid. The Councillor's Twitty relationship with the Editor of that paper is on record & Sean Pearce is not credited with the material. Could be a collaborative deal but it does look messy. He does claim to be a " journalist ." No?

  2. 7:39 PM, I see that a member of the Tinfoil Hat Brigade has reported for duty.

  3. 11:55 AM
    And you love every minute of it, don't you?


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