Wednesday 20 March 2013

Toronto the beautiful

If you think about it ,Toronto has everything to offer a casino resort.

Major league sports ,theatres, concert halls ,  beautiful hotels,   Ontario Art Gallery, Museum, Planeterium, Science Centre.

Beautiful  beaches, Lake Ontario fishing linked to  the Great Lakes.

Union Station is part of an underground complex linking conference centers, shopping centres, hotels and the business sector.

Infrastructure is there  for a ferry service to many destinations.  Ocean going ships  come down the  St.Laurence Seaway to Toronto.

Trains come and go from Montreal  to New York  and points beyond.

The. island airport is a going concern. Plans for a bridge, cancelled in the Miller years, could be reviewed again.

Ontario went from  being the economic  engine for Canada  to being a have-not Province,thanks to
Brian Mulroney's Free Trade Agreement.

Many of the beautiful amenities built in the Province's. heyday are suffering from lack of funds for maintenance.


Parks are being closed instead of new ones being developed to provide the people with an amenity which has been Ontario's heritage.

According yesterday's headlines the province is going after unpaid traffic fines. They can throw
Away billions on cancelled contracts,  E-health and L'range

And now the Premier thinks she  should take over management of the Ontario  Gaming and Lottery

Ten thousand $60, could be available with the casino resort. Ten thousand university  and college graduates could be in a position to re-pay their student loans. The province's economy could receive a substantial boost and Kathleen Wynn's main priority is calming down the Mayor of Ottawa.


  1. "Ontario went from being the economic engine for Canada to being a have-not Province,thanks to
    Brian Mulroney's Free Trade Agreement."

    I think that you have selective history memory.... Well after Mulroney we had to endure the reigns of Cretien and the like. Ontario itself contributed by electing the NDP and Bob Rae's systematic ruining of the economy.

  2. "...The. island airport is a going concern. Plans for a bridge, cancelled in the Miller years, could be reviewed again..."

    What, are they going to be build a bridge over the tunnel they are already digging?


  3. 1:04 PM
    Give us a break with your harping on Bob Rae. He had only the one term when he discovered that the previous group had emptied the coffers & left him with a deficit. Man, you really can hold a grudge!

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