Sunday 15 September 2013


Charter of values...Charter of values...Charter of Values.

Doesn't matter how many  times you say it , it doesn't begin to make any sense

Perhaps it loses  something in the translation.

Does it mean  the  values of someone born almost a century ago?

Does it mean the values of this or that religion? Of however  one was raised?

Hill billy values or city slicker values?

Ontario Lottery Commission values.? They just increased he price of 649 Lottery  tickets  so they can have  two prizes a week instead of one.

Is that about value?

What are  values ?

Does it depend on who you're talking to?

Like a Cultural Master Plan  perhaps?


  1. A Cultural Master Plan should be a listing of all Aurora residents as of a given point in time, i.e. its creation.

  2. I love the " Quality of Life " line in there. Rings my chimes - not.

  3. Yeah, it sounds too much like something positive, doesn't it, 16:42?

  4. @19:19
    More like a bunch of feel-good words without any context or meaning. Our family calls them ' weasel words ' like transparency, credibility, authenticity etc.

  5. 08:18, those words all refer to genuine, laudable concepts - they're only 'weasel words' when used by weasels.

  6. 11:49
    I think the difficulty lies in the constant miss-use of such words to that extent that any original meaning is erased. How is an ordinary person supposed to trust a candidate when the speeches are interchangeable ? I wish it were not so, but it is.


  7. This is all very silly.

    Weasels can't speak.

  8. ...but they can type.


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