Friday 18 October 2013

Feeling Good About Yourself is Best. Better than sex

Thank you. But I think, everybody have a right to post a comment on your blog. You have the right to publish it or reject. But , it will be fair, if you publish all comments.
If you do not publish comments, that means, you are not brave enough to get criticized.

Thank you. 


I can't print every comment received. 
I can't  allow  negative comments about town staff.  In law, they have a right  to privacy. 
I am a Councillor and a legislator . If I cannot be expected to respect the law  I don't know who ican.
Staff are accountable to the elected body/ 
The elected body is accountable to the electors. 
If there are  perceived errors and omissions within the administration, the elected body is ultimately 
We cannot say the devil made us do it. 
He did not. 
We are the devil who made us do it. 
People who pressure  politicians to do things they should not, aid and abet  the devil we didn't know better than the one we did .
I am brave enough to risk opposition to my views. That's why they're out here.
I am just not stupid enough to  be degraded by abuse heaped on my head. 
A man asked me on Wednesday how many children I had. 
I told him seven. And seventeen grandchildren. And eight  great grandchildren.
I  have  lived through my life experience and I have lived through all of theirs.
Then  I laughed and  said ......I am  a woman. not to be taken lightly.
I felt  supremely confident being able to say that


  1. I have yet to figure out why people consider you to be their personal punching bag.

  2. "I am brave enough to risk opposition to my views. That's why they're out here."

    Granted, but you still fail to publish all those comments that don't share your views.

  3. 14:43 And you fail in understanding Evelyn's very clear reasons why she can't/won't post all of them. She just posted yours didn't she?

  4. ...Not the Monkey18 October 2013 at 16:06

    14:52, you fail to understand that I was addressing the organ grinder.

  5. Like Cllr Gallo and Cllr Ballard encourage dissenting opinions. Not.


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