Wednesday 11 December 2013

I've Missed You Too

My day in court has turned into a marathon. It's not over yet.

Nothing is happening


I am physically free.

I have missed being here with you.

I'm not sure I will ever be able to fill in the gaps of what has happened. I cannot provide  any details yet.

I am not the person  I was before. Time  and experience have changed me. Not by much and not  so's you'd notice but change there is.

I had to re- read hundreds of my blog  posts.

I never  re-read.

When I've  done with a post  I put it behind me and move on to the next.

A  minimum of  editing is done.  

Spelling needs  correction because keyboard skills  are  negligible .

But some errors always remain.

They are exasperating.

Welllllll.....   It's not a  professional staff report. it's not a legal deposition. I'm not competing for the Giller  Book Prize.

I'm just gossiping  and sharing  stuff  I think you have a right to know and I have a right to  tell you.

Going to court is not the stuff of  tout le monde

And yet....of a weekday morning....the place teams with people with business before the courts.

None of it joyful.

Decisions are made affecting  people's lives .

Yesterday we saw a young  man in his early twenties, wrists and ankles manacled and a policeman on either side of him.

Decisions are  made in  sound-proofed courtrooms.

We hope they are fair. We hope they are just.

We  are not certain.

I heard  recently the  Government of Sweden  is contemplating closing down the prisons.

There are not enough prisoners in Sweden to keep them open.

They must be doing something right.


  1. Oh if you only knew how you've been missed. The court room is an experience, and it changes all who have been in there. But you’re a person with courage and strength that people can only dream of, and I am certain that whatever the results of these court proceedings… Victorious you will be! God Bless and stay well.

  2. We have missed you too! And - are DAMN proud of you!!!!!

  3. glad to see you are back on line !!!

  4. You have been missed on here Ev, but certainly not forgotten. I hope the Christmas holidays bring you peace and joy, with good times spent with family and friends. Slainte!

  5. Welcome back - missed you so. We've been following as best we can with the bits & pieces being released. But we do know that it can't include everything.

  6. Just keep healthy, lass.

  7. Good to have you back into the fray which really didn't accomplish much in your absence. See-through garbage bags, for heaven's sake, was the biggie.

  8. It doesn't matter that the experience has changed you. Your old posts were just fine when they were first put up. Too much editing can drive any writer to distraction.

  9. Argh ! More hurry-up and wait !
    It"s a wonder you are still sane !

  10. A question, please.
    There was supposed to be a GC tomorrow,
    Now there is a Special council.
    TV or streaming ?
    Or nothing ?
    Oops, that was 2 questions.

  11. @18:52
    What is this stuff about clear garbage bags ? Anyone who watches the trucks in Aurora knows already that everything that we have carefully sorted through goes into1 section of the truck. Even the kids comment & usually they are all over the re-cycling thing.

  12. Ir was great to have you back at the table. Always something new to learn that would not have even been mentioned. Funny about the old cleaning up off the stream beds to reduce mosquitos compared to today's planting in order to keep the water cool.
    Let's hope that the town makes sure Mr Tree gets a slice of anything generated from his ice idea ---and none of the flak if it doesn't work.

  13. Cllr Gaertner out-did herself when she cautioned that Council should be wary about spending money to address the needs of just a few residents. Like the ones howling about the tower in King or their neighbour's trees maybe ?


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