Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Thread is Winding

George Smitherman   made a public announcement of his marriage  and introduced his "husband" to  thunderous applause ,at a gathering to celebrate his political career.

He publicly announced the adoption of his first child and was photographed  by the media with the infant in his arms.

During  his campaign for Mayor, he confided to reporters that he  almost missed a candidates meeting because he could not find a baby-sitter.

I'd say he intended his role as mother to be  made clear.

I don't think a  woman candidate , with an infant , would  be making the point during a campaign of competing demands between motherhood and political office.

One must conclude therefore Mr. Smitherman was  using marriage and  family for political purpose.

The question has been posed ; Who is the arbiter of decency?

Perhaps the better  question would be ; what is decent?

Are we not each entitled to formulate  a personal standard ?

Did  Mr,  Smitherman coming from a position  of power , get to create the image he thought would appeal to the greatest number ?

It didn't.

Are we entitled to ponder whether, in the circumstances, the  adopted children   were of no more significance than the image he clearly intended ?

It's a harsh  question but some  might  believe  creating an image for the purpose is  simply sensible
reasonable, therefore decent,  in the circumstance.

Who  decides what's decent?

Is decent a question of morality?

Has morality  become another archaic concept ?  A joke for the late night comedians?

Like  personal judgement?

Or professional integrity?

If it isn't written in the office manual , does  it count?

Like a Code of Conduct ?

Who  gets to write the manual or the Code ?

If  had a desperate  need to  fulfill my life by nurturing a child . a  completely natural inclination, and found myself repeatedly denied  for no  identifiable reason , I would  surely want to know the answer.


  1. I don't think we are ever going to understand what happened. It is enough that this situation has drawn some attention, for all the wrong reasons, to the adoption process. Hopefully, some good will emerge but we sure can't count on it.

  2. Brock Weir was unable to take his full time off. He has an excellent article on Mr West.

  3. Happy New Year, Councillor Buck !

  4. @10:39
    Ditto that

  5. Bob Rae had a super column on depression in the Globe if you can filch it.


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