Thursday 2 January 2014

Bizarre Aftermath to an Ice Storm ...Pixie Dust

A couple of silly things happened at my house during the week that was. Too silly to talk about.

A couple  of other things  happened  that also don't make sense. I have a feeling they will not go away unless I  do talk about them.

When cable came back ,I watched Toronto residents who had moved out  of their homes to stay with family with amenities, return to their homes every day to check the water pipes. To see if they had frozen and burst.

I thought, why did they not just turn off the water supply? Don't they know they can do that?

Then there were the people whose food spoiled; if  pipes  would freeze in unheated houses, why would food spoil in unheated houses?  Why would a deep freeze not keep food from spoiling?

It's why we have refrigerators.

And why did we see the Provincial Premier, fit from her  campaign commercial uphill run, knock on doors  to deliver  food baskets? Only to Toronto residents?

What if people behind the door had the normal overflow of Christmas cheer ? What would they think to find the Provincial Premier standing on the  doorstep with a basket of whatever provender some stranger thought to toss together?

Barney Miller used to be a favorite comedy show of mine. The perps kept it fresh. On one show. Wojohowitz brought  a perp in under arrest for   begging  at a commuter train station
He was a trader  at NewYork Stock Market. Live in Connecticut,in a big house ,with a maid and a driver.

Claimed he made more money as  a beggar.

I thought of him when Provincial Premier Kathleen Wynne announced to all and sundry, vouchers worth a hundred dollars would be handed out willy-nilly  at Ontario Work Centers in Toronto on January 1st;

Had it been April 1st, it might have made more sense.

Come on down the Premier announced, we got  money to give away. No questions asked.

If Rob Ford had done that, Toronto media, or  the Police Chief  perhaps , would have  claimed to have a video, bought from extortionists , showing the Mayor smoking something , maybe crack cocaine but nothing  he could  be charged with, from  a glass bowl.

It would  have to be a bowl. It couldn't be just a pipe. To justify the largesse.

Like the  media I  digress.

It wasn't Rob Ford.

It 's  the Honorable and Generous and Caring  Kathleen  Wynne  giving away money to all comers in Toronto.

The same  Honorable who  thinks  an apology from a politician is  sufficient  to compensate for  a one point one billion dollar boondoggle  undertaken for purely political  purpose.


  1. a} They do not know that water can be shut off in the house.
    b} If you set toothpicks or popsicle sticks in the ice cube trays, you can tell instantly by opening the freezer door if there has been a melt-down. The sticks flop over.

  2. Originally I believed Kathleen was apologizing for the misdeeds of others. Once I realized her signature was on key documents, I was done with her.

  3. There was an interview with some ' psychic ' guy about 2014. Card or Cord ? He said that no senators would go to jail, that Stephen Harper would be gone, that Ontario & Quebec would have elections & still be in a mess & that Rob Ford would be TO Mayor.

  4. @ 17:09
    You have to explain that the sticks are inserted through wax paper to set them during the initial freezing.


  5. This person sounds more psycho than psychic.

    They should all be gone.

  6. If we got an extended thaw, Council could organize a pick-up day. Give the school kids some community service points to start the new year.


  7. Very sad to see the Premier expoit the situation by doing a photo shoot of her handing out food baskets. It was,I assume, all pre-cooked by her staff. She was driven there in a warm car, the food was purchased and packed by a staffer on the government dime and she likely contributed nothing. So far from the reality of someone helping a neighbour in need by doing a good deed.


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