Wednesday 8 January 2014

Fit for neither man nor beast

At 20 degrees , it was a night for neither man nor beast.

I thought seriously about whether I should  go . The issue was about the joint public works and parks facility. I needed to be there. Cost estimates had increased by millions.

Turned out , I didn't need to be there after all. The decision to  proceed with the project had already been made by the Mayor, Councillors Thompson, Humfreys  and  Abel . I'm not certain about Councillor Pirri's  position.

Way back,  before  the site was selected ,  cost estimates were  $12 million.

A problematic site was  purchased .   Estimates rose  to $14 million .

Various costs were firmed up. Estimates rose to $20 million.

Staff worked to  reduce  estimates.  The forecast now stands  at $18 million.

Not to worry, in response to judiciously placed question by Councillor Thompson , staff  informed Council , Newmarket spent $20 million on their facility.

From which we may  logically deduce.......ours  is a bargain at  $18 million.

Newmarket has a  current population of  75,000 going to 100,000  when built out.

Another question  from Councillor Thompson elicited  information the facility could be built without impact  on the tax rate. political  impact.

Who wouldn't love a Council  that  could build an $18million facility without  incrasing the tax rate by as much as a nickel.

Councillor Abel is persuaded anyone who can't make decisions like that, doesn't belong at the  Council table.He repeated the sentiment.

I realized then there  hadn't really been much point in coming out into the   hazard of the extreme cold.

The Mayor and Councillors  of similar mind had all the information they needed to make a decision without bothering with a pesky Council discussion.

So much  is made about obtaining public input.

Yet  there is neither time, patience nor inclination to even  pretend to hear from people elected  like themselves for the purpose of sharing perspective.

I made the observation.

It was not denied.

Indeed .....the Mayor  intimated .Councillors who were not comfortable going forward  with the project at the price, had  done the same thing .  Myself  included, they too had agreed to a pre-determined position. 

It was deja vu. 

The night Councillors Abel and Pirri  moved to  give notice to terminate the agreement with the Culture Centre Board , flashed before my eyes. 

The debate had been full and complete .

The Mayor spoke to the merits of the resolution with facts  and conviction. As did Councillors Thompson and Humfreys. 

The Mayor had not spoken as much to any other issue before, nor has he since. 

The debate ended . The only thing  left was to call the vote  

There was a pause that  stretched  out , to the confusion of all  but three present.

Something was  clearly anticipated. 

Sure enough , an amendment moved by Councillor Humfreys,seconded by Councillor Thompson  effectively scuttled the original  motion.

The term had barely begun. 

We are in the final stretch. 

It seems it wil end as it began. 


  1. It was a nasty night. Sorry you had to go but you would have felt badly not to have tried.

  2. The swing vote on the matter of Mr K's trees is in no position to lecture others on motivation.


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