Tuesday 28 January 2014

Perception is the reality

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Let's Talk": No, 20:50, what's "too bad" is your bias.


One person's bias is another person's perspective.


  1. ...and one person's perspective should never be confused as "facts."

  2. The Auroran is up. A long letter/ article by Mayor Dawe. A quick scan shows it is not the promised explanation of how he handles councillors' concerns about staff.

  3. Oh, goodie ! Councillor Gaertner is running again !

  4. The town is going to have Wi-Fi available at the Town Hall. I think that could be a good thing unless you get kids spending hours on university applications. /But it does draw attention back to the old question. Are we or are we not out of space in there ?

  5. I remember once asking Ron Wallace if he would ' let ' Scott Johnston run for councillor. I got a very surly negative. It is worth trying again. He would be a breath of fresh air.

  6. Please get well soon, Councillor Buck. We can babble along but this is Your Blog & don't you forget it for a minute.

  7. If you are ok with reading -Maureen Dowd has a nice take on Colorado and the new pots laws in International NYTimes.

  8. Brock Weir sure puts that anti-bus fiasco into perspective. Bet those neighbours don't keep a copy of that to show their kids. I wonder if they will let the thing slide or drag it out at the OMB. You can always get some lawyer who doesn't mind acting for dumb clients. We've seen that.

  9. Julien Fantino's apology to vets does appear to be ringing anyone's chimes.


  10. I'm not sure which is bias and which is perspective.

    In today's Globe and Mail Toronto Mayor (yes - he still is that) Rob Ford is sticking up for another headline-grabbing Canadian - Justin Bieber. "He's a young guy, 19 years old. I wish I was as successful as he is."

    One for sure drunk defending someone who might be on the way to that very destination.

    Is this political leadership as it is practiced today? I sure hope not.

    And yet another example, in the same newspaper.

    "Veterans Affairs wrote to the husband of a retired soldier who killed herself Christmas Day saying the family would have to return part of her monthly disability payment.

    The January 9 letter that arrived just days after the funeral for retired Cpl. Leona MacEachern expressed condolences but also said her benefits were payable up to the day she died."

    There was an amount of $581.67 that was overpaid and the family would be contacted by the "Overpayment Unit."

    However, the office of Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino said the minister has since directed the department to not collect the money

    There's another story about Minister Fantino burning up the wires concerning veterans, but that can wait for another time.

  11. @11:18
    Those kids are going to get teased unmercifully on the school buses,
    " What ? Your Mom's afraid of a .... bus ? "


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