Saturday 18 January 2014

Will The Information be Forthcoming?????

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Not Here..Not Now...Not Bloody Likely":

"A tourist attration (sic) intended to put Aurora on the map as Heritage Capital of Ontario ,if not Canada, if not the world if not the Universe."

Nobody likes a smartass.


The above is only partly true.


Drafts od two Notices of Motion:

Moved by Councillor Buck           Seconded by------------------

Whereas Council has eliminated a Director position in the interest of economy. 

And whereas, economy is achieved by greater efficiency and reduction in expenditure.

And whereas   although title of Director is removed, responsibilities remain  and no public report hto establish efficiencies and saving is available

And whereas ,the  former Director was due to retire within twelve months and a severance 
package  is normal to avoid a complaint of unfair dismissal

Now therefore be it hereby resolved:

The Executive Leadership Team be directed to report  specific  efficiencies and savings  anticipated by  the elimination of the  Director's position, requiring a severance package  (payout with no return) within twelve months of  the director's retirement.


Draft of  second  Notice of  Motion

Moved by Councillor Buck     Seconded by   --------------

Whereas 2014 is  municipal  election year , registration for candidates are already open and planning for the election underway.

Whereas  the Town Clerk is  Elections  Officer and heretofore Director of Corporate  and Legislative Services .

Whereas the position of Director of Corporate and  Legislative  Sercies has been eliminated for the purpose of eonomy and a severance package granted.

Whereas the next nine months  are required to plan and manage the town's election.

Now therefore be it hereby resolved ;

The Executive Leadership Team be directed to  publicly report how  resources to plan and organize
the municipal election  will be available  at the same time  economy is achieved   with the elimination of the  position of  the Director  with the relevant  skills necessary.


Neither of the  resolutions will reach the table   for debate and decision without a seconder.

I have sought to be informed of the basis  of Council's decision without success.

My intent is to be publicly informed of the whys and wherefores of a decision to eliminate a  Director's position.

Despite the  services of a Communications Division,  I am not aware  relevant information has been provided.

Certainly nothing to indicate efficiency and  or economy  can be  anticipated all things considered.


  1. You mean the Communications Division that is responsible for little house-keeping details like streaming CGs ?


  2. What do you mean "I have sought to be informed of the basis of Council's decision without success"?

    Are you not a member of Council?

    What stupidity rules the roost when a member of Council is not aware of a decision by her fellow councillors and when asks is not told?

    I would like a written explanation from the mayor about this matter.

    This seems to be borderline malfeasance.

  3. Very well done Councillor , very well done indeed !!

  4. I'm still waiting for the letter Mayor Dawe promised after the last time you were accused of micro-managing.
    Hh, wait a minute. That would be from the communications Dept too.

  5. Christopher - a couple of his items mention our communication gurus

  6. Toujours le reynard


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