Friday 21 February 2014

Questions and answers.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Guest Post":

Someone mentioned yesterday that we might need to file FOI requests in order to find out what the town was doing. I'm fairly sure that they have to go through the Town Clerk.
Do we even have a Town Clerk ?


The town solicitor has been appointed Acting Clerk.

The talk now is about  an elections officer on contract. 

Someone posted a comment about  the two mechanics trying to manipulate their employer.

An  echo of immediate past chief magistrate.

Always Blame the victim.

We have had a  continued exodus of employees since 2006

Municipalities in the GTA  are a close knit community. Word travels fast .

On the other hand, last time we had to replace the clerk, four years ago, we had two applications .
One  had no idea what a municipal clerk's job was.

The time I exploded with the f-bombs in the closed door meeting was ia reaction Councillor Abel's indifference towards a  treasury-clerk  of  twenty-six years  employment manipulated out of a relatively humble job for no obvious reason.

Yesterday I mis-spoke when I said questions are not allowed. Of course questions are not disallowed. .
It's  the answers that are refused point blank.

And secrets are kept safe.

Everything can be  papered over with the old re-organisation sham.

In the meantime,  no employee can have security in the town of Aurora.

No loyalty can be assumed.

Second comment:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Guest Post":

"I was convinced the Hydro building and five acre secure yard should have been retained by the town and become permanent location for the parks department."

But all the others disagreed, stop crying about it.


You speak true. 

All who knew, agreed  evicting the parks department from the property and  leasing it to   Queen's York Rangers  so that "the Kiddies" could have a place to play was a stroke of genius. 

Councillor Ballard wasn't even Councillor at the time. But he was Chairman of the Economic Development Advisory Committee. The former Mayor had a penchant for putting her friends in  positions of influence, 

The problem with the comment is the deal was done quietly. Mostly behind closed doors. 

Not too  many  outside the magic circle did know  about it. 

Now they know. 

Because I keep telling them. 

Now they are looking down the barrel of millions of dollars of  needless debt. 

The Hydro property bears little sign of life  from "kiddies"or any other activity. 

The parks department could ,as they were before, be handily accommodated on the hydro property.. 

The Works Department could take over the space formerly occupied by Parks and build their new facility in a perfect location with  least disruption. 

People understand ,they do have power and authority. They can recognise a boondoggle as easily as the next person.

They can make a difference.

They can advise elected representatives  of their position on  issues at hand.

Councillors are compelled to pay attention.

It's as simple as tapping out an e-mail.

The Hydro property is ours. We need it ....desperately.

National Security does not depend on DND occupation of five acres of Aurora.

Surely, they have other things to worry about.

And they have an empty Heritage Armouries on the cormer of Mosely and Larmont.


  1. Poor Mr Mar. I hope his pay increases because his department already is carrying a hefty load,

  2. "Now they know.

    Because I keep telling them."


  3. I was pleased to hear at the budget meeting that the town is looking into whether the Rangers should be paying more than just their basic rent. The feeling was that they should be considered for taxes as are other outfits in Aurora. I don't know when they expected an answer but it was good that they were checking that lease out.

  4. I think they made the former some Honourary Something ? Maybe this mayor gets one too.

  5. It would be great to see something positive from all the councillors before the end of the term. Agreeing on clear plastic bags isn't much to show the voters. There is still time to sort out the budget but it would require co-operation. Lately it feels like residents are watching figure skating judges - everything is unpredictable.

  6. I don't think the Rangers are even using that building much. Does anyone know if I am wrong in thinking that ?

  7. Maybe the Rangers do not even want to stay there. The DND is cutting like mad and they are still stuck with the Armouries. It could come down to communications again. It would be too bad if they would like to end the list & communications got fudged. Next term would be too late.

  8. I drive by the building at least 3-4 times a day, 6 days a week. Never seen them once.I used to see all the time when they were at Mosely and Larmont.

  9. The logical person to ask would be Cllr Ballard but he isn't saying much of anything these days. Even his twits consist of weather observations and dog adoration. I think he likes having the Ranger background on his resumes. Probably would be very reluctant to get involved. Rangers were his first big move on Council.

  10. Sugar ! Do you suppose no one bothered to ask them ?
    That would be a new low.

  11. That Park/Works building will be happening. Council has to show they built something in this term. I would have preferred if they built a parking lot somewhere close to the down town core. Parking would have been at least a decent attempt at “revitalizing” down town. The only people that are going to like those extra flower pots and fancy sidewalks will be the same people that enjoy the mural on the Larter building and the hanging baskets… The people who drive right by them.

  12. To the person who claimed Mr. Albino has been trashed…Well I don’t think there was a comment that ever trashed him personally. His project is being trashed. There’s a difference. And anyone who is looking for this kind of money from our pockets to sell a scheme like this should better be ready to get trashed. And since you brought it up…Did he retire by choice from his “well respected career”?

  13. 22:16 In Summary:

    He wasn't trashed.

    He deserves to be trashed.

    I just trashed him.

  14. 23:01
    Not how I read it at all. The individual was not elected. Not do we know anything about him. [ your opinion counts as nothing as you are anonymous.] It would be irresponsible not to ask questions. Or to invest in this project during this term.

  15. To 22:16 Is he from E-Health and got almost a million and a bonus???? Is that him?????

  16. "Anonymous said...

    [ your opinion counts as nothing as you are anonymous.]"

    Hey, ya gotta laugh!


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