Thursday 13 February 2014

Christopher Watts would be a fine candidate

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A False premise":

I agree. While it is fine to sit behind a computer screen and be a critic about everything and everyone, the reality of actually being the position would be too humbling for him.

It's a lot more difficult that he knows.


I do not agree with either of you. 

You know you are welcome to comment on this blog while not revealing your name. 

Your comments would carry more weight if you were to  reveal you idemtity. 

But I consider it better  for you to  comment anonymously than not to hear from you at all. 

Christopher Watts is up front, pugnacious in the extreme ,determined that his voice will be heard 
and that everyone will know it is his voice. 

Certainly being a Councillor imposes a discipline. 

The Municipality's interest must always come first. 

A Councillor does not speak for him or herself alone. 

How an  idea is expressed matters as  much as the substance. Clarity is  essential to be effectively conveyed. 

How ideas  are received by colleagues is subject to a variety of influences.An open mind is important.  Open  is not the same as empty.

Being an effective Councillor is  challenging. Development of skills not previously comprehended is essential. 

Christopher Watts would certainly be an attractive and interesting candidate. Certainly not the norm.

If elected, he  has  courage , integrity, intelligence,  communication skills and , I'm sure the ability to acquire the discipline.

Whether he has the inclination is for him to know and for us to wait and see.

Having  said all of that , I repeat , I am not going to allow this blog to be used to beat up on Christopher  Watts.

If  it's debate  you're  after, do it on his terms ,reveal yourself and engage him on his  blog.


  1. I agree. It is his call to make. Or not.

  2. When Mayor Dawe was elected, he was quoted as saying he was ' humbled ' by the experience. He managed to get un-humbled.

  3. Sorry Evelyn. I just can't resist getting up that character's nose with a reference to Chris periodically.

  4. I hope he runs. We need a breath of fresh air.

  5. Hope he runs as well. Would never think I would say that! He’s always been a huge proponent of heritage and all that preserving of things that I feel isn’t worth the paper that it was written on.
    An example of that was his huge advocacy of saving that ugly eye sore Browning House. I couldn’t see that thing come down fast enough. I’m surprised he didn’t chain himself to that ugly thing in protest.
    There are a couple of other things that I don’t see eye to eye on with some of his opinions, but that being said… I thought for sure he would be a big advocate of that sad excuse of a Disney Heritage Park that they’re trying to sell as the “greatest opportunity” this Town has seen since slice bread. He doesn't! He sees it as the sham it really is. So for someone to be a huge advocate of all that’s “heritage” he’s prepared to voice his concerns for a “heritage” project that is truly not a good plan for this Town.


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