Sunday 9 February 2014

People understand very well.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What you hear,is not what you get ....":

I thought committees were supposed to reduce the work of Council ?
Those we have seem determined to throw grenades onto the table. Not just the little stuff like those 3 trees. Trails Committee comes up with really weird stuff and this heritage mess looks like it sprang for another committee. It all gets fuzzy by the time the public hear about an issue.


I confess . Identifying comments by time posted makes following a thread tedious  Comments sometimes get published that wouldn't otherwise.

The suggestion  Christopher Watts can't spell is  just not on. 

No matter what you think  of his  opinions, there can be no question of his intelligence or his competence .


The comment posted above is  100% positive  

Reports and recommendations for Council  decisions  are being followed.

Contradictions are clearly recognized for what they are.

Advisory committees are  regularly used for other than their stated purpose.

A  typical example is the resolution .complete with several whereases ,in the trails advisory committee report this week.

Clearly the intent of  the citizen member is to devise a means for a resolution  to be tabled and deliberated by Council.

Councillor Gallo, chairman of the committee insists it is not the committee's intent. It is not recommended to Council.

But there it is, in the committee report ,for Council to consider, accept, reject or otherwise
muddle their way around it trying not to offend the  citizen committee member.

The committees have council representation and staff support.

Hand grenades thrown on to the Council  table are hardly welcome.

Councillors Gallo, Ballard and Gaertner are the unholy trinity involved in parks and  recreation, environmental and trails  and pathways.

I believe Councillor Gallo thinks of himself as bold and straightforward.

He digs down and into staff reports and finds contradictions.

But even as he  hesitatingly asks the telling question, he  answers it:

" but if that's what it means, I'm O.K  with that"

American football does not interest me much.

Players spend too much time  hugging the ball, in huddles, with rear ends exposed.

Councillors Gallo. Ballard and Gaertner  huddles are  terribly transparent.

There is no quarterback.

The play does not follow through.

The game never ends.

No points are scored.


  1. " but if that's what it means, I'm O.K with that"
    Your right Evelyn...he does that all the time. Could never understand the point of those comments. Humphrey’s jibber jabbers a lot about nothing as well. Can’t remember anything she’s said of any significance in the last 4 yrs . She loves to congratulate all sorts of people in the town, and if she can’t find any resident to congratulate, she congratulates staff for something or another. At least when you do one of your Jibber Jabbers we get a great history lesson of some sort related to whatever issue is being raised. Love everyone one of those lessons.

  2. I think it was Councillor Gallo [ or Ballard ] who said,
    " You are never wrong if you engage the electorate. "
    I believe at the time it was to justify sending letters to those near the Minto land without bothering to mention it to his fellow councillors.

  3. "The suggestion Christopher Watts can't spell is just not on."

    I thought you were all about the truth - his spelling is atrocious.

    "No matter what you think of his opinions, there can be no question of his intelligence or his competence"

    There certainly can - maybe benefit of the doubt can be given re: intelligence - but his level of "competence" is there for all to see.

  4. 14:07
    As usual, you are all about the window dressing. You are also extremely jealous of Mr Watts.

  5. We say Cllr Gallos' nastier side when he went after that poor man with Lucid. There was absolutely no need for the way that trio tag-teamed him.
    Right now he is having trouble decided whether to run for Mayor. I am only a single vote but I sure don't want anyone with the arrogance he displayed in asking an experienced councillor to step aside to give him a first shot as councillor. He dosen't get my vote or that of anyone whom I can convince.

  6. 14:07 - Guess you really don't like any or the majority of his opinions. I personally don't agree with about half of what he says. Those are his personal opinions, but I do find him very intelligent and competent.

  7. @14:07
    That was so childish it was pathetic. Every time Christopher's name comes up, you launch an attack. It just makes me want to pay more attention to him and mention him more often.

  8. To 14:07
    Christopher Watts is not a Blog Stalker like you nor a politician. But his name is out there in the open. You. on the other hand, have lurked here for more than a few years under the blanket of anonymous.

  9. To Coin a Phrase9 February 2014 at 22:40

    "You are also extremely jealous of Mr Watts."


  10. "It just makes me want to pay more attention to him and mention him more often."

    ...and who's calling who "childish"?

  11. 22:44
    How about you just let people decide what they want to read ?

  12. Sure, 11:46, but I never said otherwise. Today, in fact, please feel free to read about how a nerve was struck, complete with a feeble defence.

  13. 12:14
    I'm sure Christopher Watts appreciates all the readers you have sent his way with your fit of temper.

  14. 20:03
    I am sure that a number of "anonymous" posts here ARE Christopher Watts.

    He and Oscar Wilde have a lot in common.


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