Wednesday 19 February 2014

Things are often what they appear

Members of  AYSC were in the Council chamber last night.

Council had directed staff to review the Sport Dome agreement  for a solution to the tax problem.

The situation morphed  from a way of getting out of an inequity into something else entirely.

The owner was asked f he was willing to sell.

It seems he is

AYSC were asked if they were willing  to buy the business  and operate it

It seems they are.

The Mayor expressed himself willing. Said it was the same as  building  and operating a hockey arena.

Now council was being asked to "endorse" the concept of forking out $1.1million to buy the Sport Dome and accoutrements to keep it aloft.

There we are, like ducks in a row ,ready to be separated into good guys and bad

Those  who will.

Those who won't

Councillor Pirri stood fast in opposition. As I did.

The discussion  ended  with  direction  to staff  to "explore" the concept further.

It seems  the direction might be problematic and  more time consuming than previously anticipated.

I voted for that.

The Mayor moved  to waive procedure to allow  AYSC  to have a say 

A motion to waive procedure  is becoming the rule rather than the exception.

Depending on which group is favored.

 It  requires  two-thirds majority.

It didn't pass.

Activity continued .

Soccer Club members lingered. One returned to the town hall as I  left.

At next Tuesday's Council meeting, we will discover the new strategy.

How  Council  will be further manipulated.


  1. Councillor Humfryes tried to allow them to speak too. We have seen this all before.

  2. Hey ! What's a million here or there ?

  3. But Aurora does not need to ' buy ' it. There is absolutely no need to buy anything, We ' own ' the Centre but it does not contribute to the tax base. Aurora's taxes are already too high. So are our service changes.
    It is still the economy, stupid/////

  4. Does the Community Centre, SARC, Victoria Hall, Family Leisure Complex, Seniors Centre, Library, any park, etcetera, "contribute to the tax base," 21:30?

    Why would you expect any Town-owned amenity to do so?

  5. 23:16 - And based on those amenities you've listed, and for all those that are not....are they not enough? Or do we need more to "improve our quality of life"? Heck…Why not have the Town buy out all business in Aurora that provide all the services that “improve our quality of life”?

  6. Hey, Newmarket Council has already set the precident on how to deal with soccer clubs.

  7. 23:16
    When these organizations hold fund-raisers & present a cheque, however small, to the town or manage to require less help to do a better job, they definitely contribute to the town.
    Besides, one again you are comparing needs with wants.

  8. 09:27, you're comparing organizations to amenities. In response to 21:30's comment, I'm talking physical facilities not community-run clubs/organizations.

  9. 11:17
    Naw. You're talking through your hat. Same guff you wrote about the Centre. Wants - not needs.

  10. I actually like 8:34 idea…. Very “innovative”!...Lots of “partnership opportunities” We take the Hydro fund and purchase some businesses in Aurora. Now those would be investments and can “better our quality of life” for everyone.

  11. Oh, okay, 12:50. Your highly-considered response must be on of those "reasoned arguments" that someone mentioned.

  12. 14:17
    What businesses would you consider? All that is left on the main street are banks, dentists and lawyers with a few resturants thrown in for good measure.

    We all knew that Aw Shucks was a pickup joint, now that they have moved the old place is now DNA. Makes me suspicious of what you'll find going on in there.

  13. 16:57
    We could use a pool hall. But I expect that isn't on the shopping list of these people who want only ' their ' people. That wouldn't include us ' rubes ' of Aurora who actually live and shop here.
    I agree about Aw Shucks. It was a hang-out.


  14. 21:17

    What is it now that it's on downtown Yonge Street?

  15. "We could use a pool hall."

    ...and a soda fountain - at least someplace with a jukebox.

  16. Banks, dentists, lawyers, restaurants…They can all improve everyone’s quality of life! We have lots of money!…Apparently we can invest without affecting our property taxes! You see…They take a loan from existing Town assets then they pay it off with future development charges! Quite creative isn't it? Mayor Dawe has learned a thing or two from being our Regional representative. That’s how the Region got into $2.2 +Billion in debt! York Region Municipality has borrowed against future development charges across the Region. And guess who’s responsible for that debt if those development charges don’t come in??


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