Friday 11 April 2014

Petch House Use...Let me count the ways.

The guest previously posted  provides a  detailed perspective  on a potential  university campus.
Accuracy can obviously can be verified . References are provided.

I must correct one error however. The   Petch  House does have power connected .The building is can be wired. Heat can be provided

The structure is safe and to Code.

There are no plans for a second floor. No permit is necessary

Prefabricated toilets at minimal cost  can be provided as in any park .

Without fuss or rigamarole special events staff could be accommodated in the building
in  summer.

An Information  or "Tourist" Centre could be set up.

Craftsmen could be encouraged to showcase souvenirs unique to Aurora. It could bethe startof a cottage industry  for people who find themselves without gainful employment.

Copies of Bob McRoberts  post card collection could be sold.

Les Oliver's  father's collection of photographs of Aurora buildings could be copied and shared.

Mothers  and children could have a new destination for a  morning walk without a cell phone.

Coffee, chocolate, freshly squeezed lemonade,ice cold water for the trail hiker or the bike rider.

Maybe one of  those pastries  visitors  must have from the Byway Market before leaving Ottawa .

A welcome respite in the shade under a tree chatting to a new friend.

Students might  collect community service hours with  demonstrations of  this and that; carding, spinning,dyeing,weaving and knitting wool for example.

Instead of the constant yammering of lifestyles of the rich and famous ,  a moment in time could be captured of the harsh reality of settlement , the foundation of the life we currently enjoy and what we have made of it.

Read Alison Collins -Mrakas column in this week's Auroran and think about that.

How can we use the Petch House ???  Let me count the ways.

The ask.... What ,in God's name ,is the matter with us?


  1. I see Petch House as a symposium centre, where guest speakers would lead a discussion group on any one of countless subjects.

    Just attending in such an historic building would add a touch of make belief.

    Imagine someone reading out loud the Lewis Carroll Alice in Wonderland opus.

    Retired, or even present politicians could tell tall tales but true of a life as a legislator.

    An expert on gardening could walk one through one's garden and explain how to plant perennials that would bloom sequentially so as to fill your life with natural colour for half a year.

  2. It could be done as you say, Evelyn. but there is no political will or spine. We seem to get driven by those with grandiose plans while neglecting the smaller things that can be accomplished,


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