Tuesday 15 April 2014

What Does It Take ?

A weekend comment pondered what it takes to be a politician.

If posed with a view to becoming a politician, the questioner does not have what it takes.

If you think it's about pleasing all of the people all of the time...it's not.

If you think about pleasing most of the people ,most  of the time...not that either.

If you  think it's about trying to guess what people want...nope

A couple of  perfect examples crossed the ether this week-end.

Negative  comment  made about candidates being on location when the Church burned down.

Then another  about a candidate being there and leaving  for an appointment at the Cardinal golf course, which "showed  where his  priorities were "

I referred to the Mayor explaining extent of damage to the Church  at the Home Show.

A comment came through... "Aha!!  campaigning at the Home Show Eh!

Later an e-mail  received  by Councillors about only two being seen  at the Home Show and the lack of interest would be "remembered  at election"

Small business expects politicians to pay them attention .

The Town  has a  Chamber membership.
Pays $thousands for a "platinum" sponsorship every year.
Buys a table at the Annual Mayor's luncheon.
Tickets to the Annual Dinner  costs $thousands.
The  Chamber building sits on  land leased from the town.
The  Chamber is represented on the Town's Economic Development Committee.
 Yonge Street is closed for  the Chamber Beer Garden the night before the street sale.
And closed again for  the  day of the Street Sale.
The  Aurora Home Show is possible by virtue of an excellent town venue, closed for all other purposes and revenue ,to accommodate the event....renamed this year ...The Chamber of Commerce Home Show.

There's appreciation for you.

Under the circumstances, I believe small business  in Aurora is  well-enough served by the town.

No  apologies are due for  lack of attention or partnership with all their endeavors.

But despite  that , one Chamber member at least, is sufficiently displeased to register a complaint
by e-mail.

Trying  to please divergent opinion can easily twist  a politician into a pretzel before your very eyes.

It's a pitiful sight to behold.


  1. This election is going to be a learning experience for a # of the candidates. The last one was more of a coronation and it was possible to remain above the fray. Different situation now.

  2. "A comment came through... "Aha!! campaigning at the Home Show Eh!"

    Did you attend the Home Show last year? How 'bout the year before that?


  3. I note that Item 3 on the Agenda for this evening's General Committee meeting is as follows:


    Draft Terms of Reference for an Aurora Promenade North Tertiary Plan

    The cost of this Plan to the taxpayers of Aurora is stated as $70,000.

    I happened to drive that piece of Yonge Street from Wellington north to Orchard Heights, and since traffic was quite light I had a reasonably good look at that portion of the proposed PROMENADE.

    It defies and boggles my simple mind when I look at the buildings and spaces that now exist along that strip.

    It would take an inordinate amount of VISION and CREATIVE IMAGINATION to turn that area into a strollers paradise, replete with sidewalk cafes and amusements for little kiddies.

    This whole PROMENADE concept was still-born out of womb of the previous term, but has continued limping along grasping at our pockets as more and more money is extracted to pay for something that will never occur. The planners and consultants are enriching themselves at our expense.

    And in case anyone has forgotten about the Hillary Heritage Park SCHEME, it is within this very North Tertiary Plan that this SCHEME lies. But it is barely mentioned, now that members of staff and council are wetting their pants over a new campus for York University.

    Remembers folks, "if there is no location, there is no bid." The deadline is Thursday, April 17. Will we have found a location and therefore be able to submit a bid?

    I still think road repair is more important than all of the above crap. My car tells me so every day!

  4. 16:06
    Who cares ?

  5. Wynne is suing Hudak.
    I do not know which one is more stupid.
    Poor Ontario.


  6. It was my understanding that minutes of Council and of General Committee meetings were to be posted on the town website by the Friday at 4:00 pm immediately following.

    Today is April 15 and the minutes of Council's meeting April 8 are not up.

    Is there a change in policy or a reason for this delay?

  7. 18:48
    I saw that exchange. The weird thing was the shirt-sleeved guy, when asked for his opinion, made no sense at all. I don't know how to capture streaming so was unable to go back and listen to it again.


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