Saturday 26 April 2014

What will be ,will be

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Everyone knows skunk when it sprays.":

The complaints about the Public Meeting boil down to the fact that the supporters of the Heritage designation kept interrupting their speakers with applause. Ray... Ray... cheerleader nonsense. They were asked to stop so that proceedings could continue & told that if they refused to behave they would have to leave & be allowed in as each spoke. That seems to have been offensive. Go figure.


Thre were no complaints about the Public Planning Meeting  on Wednesday evening, The opposite is true, Appreciation was expressed on  both sides for the excellent order of the exchange, 

There was no name -calling. "Fear-mongering " was the only accusation, So ridiculous in the circumstance, it did not rate a response. 

An exchange of views about a significant issue was conducted with extraordinary civility.
The Mayor  and staff had clearly given serious thought to how it might be accomplished . The
care and attention was effective and the meeting proceeded to everyone's satisfaction.

Residents appreciated Council's willingness to listen.

Council appreciated the civility  and respect of speakers on both sides.

From my perspective, the only false note iccurred when Council failed to make a decision.

The study was undertaken at the request of a few.

The majority were galvanized to make their strong opposition known to Council.

They will not accept heritage designation on their properties at any cost.

Whatever it tales to stop it,
that's how it will be.

Despite all the years of behind the scenes effort referenced by John McIntyre of the Heritage Adcisory Committee in his letter to  The Auroran this week.


  1. I think the hot air is finally escaping. Councillors should ALL take a look at their wish-lists and trim them down to what Aurora Needs. That would require Cllr Gallo to abandon the special park where none is needed or in the master plan. Others would have to fore-go the Heritage Park nonsense.
    It is time to get back to the basics.

  2. You are quite right, Evelyn. It is time to move on. It is even a decent morning without too much wind.

  3. 8:32
    “Basics” is not progressing or “improving the quality of life”…They take our money, pay some consultants for some studies/plans to justify it all to you. I personally love the way they try to break it down to how many dollars and cents one of their “quality of life” project or tax increase is going to cost each resident per year.

  4. I have been following an election in Vancouver. The voting took place from Mar 31 to Apr 25. Can you imagine that in aurora for our Municipal elections ?

  5. 10:07
    My personal fav is when Cllr Abel assigns a cash value to every tree.

  6. I'm going to have to disagree with you here, Evelyn. It may well have been a well-managed meeting but it was a " public " meeting and it was not streamed. That means we are still weeding out the garbage from various sources.
    I have no idea whose responsibility it is to do the streaming - only that I could not find it.

  7. @12:46

    I watched parts of it via the regular GC stream link.

  8. 12:46
    Thanks. It didn't come on my machine but I am not much of an expert. Hope you enjoyed it.

  9. 12:46
    It was the confusion over times. Many tried too early & just figured it was a miss. There is not a lot of confidence in communications,

  10. Here is what a home-owner should do - if they could afford it - in the proposed heritage district.
    " Neighbours Upset Over Couple's " Up-Themed Home Renovations "
    Elise Sole
    Shine Staff/At home
    That would put the cat in with the pigeons.


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