Thursday 17 April 2014

Why Oh Why

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Look Out World,,, Here we come":

Trying to put a positive spin on reversing his original dumbass move:

"Dear friends, family, Aurorans, the last ten days have been exciting. Letters of warm wishes, phone calls and emails have been overwhelming. In the last 36 hours, I have received a number of complaints about the name of this Facebook page. These complaints are enough for me to take action and to consider all opinions. Effective today, the Facebook page will now be named as “Gallo for Mayor”. Thank you, John"


What an intresting start to a campaign.

It would indeed be surprising if Councillor Gallo did not receive overwhelming good wishes from friends and family and supporters when they learned from  Facebook he was entitled to call himself Mayor.

Why would  friends and family and supporters think otherwise.

They wish him well. 

There it was. In  print.  In black and white.

He's a  registered candidate. 

He has sworn  an oath that he is who he says he is.

As a  registered candidate he is plain John

His name will not even appear on the ballot as Councillor

How  could he not know he cannot use  a title unless he has been elected to the office?

He has been in office six years . 

He  has been a candidate twice.  Once faileded. Once successful. 

He once  asked  a successful candidate to step aside for him. 

Wht would he do that?  Who would tell him that was acceptable behaviour? Why would he listen?

How could he not know a  candidate has to be elected to have the right to use the title?

Where is there room for misunderstaning ?

The decision to remove  the  Facebook title  of Mayor was not his to make. 

Any more than the claim he made the decision. 


  1. I think that you and those here that complained out too much credance into what Facebook is.

    A Facebook account is tied to an email address. You can put whatever you like there.

    It only matters to those without common sense.

  2. Uh 12:47...

    Jesus was Jewish...

  3. 12:57
    You may be correct but if the man posts his every thought and readers find those to appeal to the lowest common denominator, it can be expected that issue will be taken.

  4. 12:57 - the point was not about a Facebook account - it was about his absolute lack of respect in naming himself as a Mayor.

  5. 14:27
    Duh The point was that no one needed to be told Can you understand now ?


  6. Just to change the subject from the ridiculous to the sublime:

    A Media Release by the Town of Aurora dated today outlines the joint bid for the York University campus by Newmarket and Aurora.

    Who owns the 60 acres of land that is described and what is its market value?

    No doubt there will be many questions.

  7. I have read the minutes from the GC & the Press Release from today. I assume from that, we now have a " Former " Hydro Fund.
    Would that be correct ?


  8. There used to be a daytime TV program called "Queen for a Day."

    It it were being produced here in Aurora at the present time it might appropriately be called "Mayor for a Day."

  9. 17:45
    I am not sure our Council understands the term " market value ". They seem to just be playing with taxpayers' money so likely have no idea about negotiations. If they want something, they get it. I do hope I am incorrect.

  10. Oh common everyone! What’s an election without some comedy? Think of this Mayoral race as entertainment.


  11. How would it be if we all took the Easter Weekend off from politics and those who play in the game and roll in the mud?

    It's supposed to warm up a bit and it might feel nice just to sit out in the sun, watch the clouds and listen to the birds singing.

  12. 12:53
    Maybe we should send donations to the Food Pantry ?

  13. Another hot potato for the town's legal beagles.

  14. @ 10:49

    Don't like it? Don't read it.

  15. @10:57
    That might be wise. I have no idea if calling yourself Mayor prior to an election is legal. Singularly dense, yes, but perhaps not illegal.


  16. I see the number of comments has been reduced from 28 to 15.

    Spring cleaning?

  17. 12:53
    I suspect the matter that was being discussed has been turned over to others. It is a weird sort of political/legal affair that is not going to get solved here.

  18. We'll see who sits at the head of the table tonight - if Rogers doesn't find an alternative event to cover.


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