Tuesday 13 May 2014

Novelty or Innovation

After I finished the last post,I re-called Greg Sorbara  was  s Liberal  MLA for the  Riding as well for aa while. I don't know how many terms.

His name probably slipped my  mind because we never saw much of him in this neck of the woods.
Not even during an election campaign.He didn't have much need for the votes up here.

Noticed he was named Chancellor of York University immediately after the University choae their  own doorstep for a satellite campus.

There's no reason why there should be a connection 

But the whole business of satellite seems odd. Why not a new university.?

Unless ...Holy Toledo Batman...they might be thinking about saving on cost of administration.  

Wouldn't  that be a novelty?


  1. A perfect night for No council. Shutting down until it blows through.

  2. Don't forget conservative al palladini
    Whose untimely death led to sorbara
    Being elected

  3. Saving on cost administration? Not a chance!

  4. There was also Bevelaqua (sorry for spelling). I think there have been more Liberal MLAs than PC.

  5. Cllr Gallo is promising a hotel & convention centre. I guess he did not check with the new owner of the current dump about his plans for the future. Sounds as if the decision could be for residences for seniors.

  6. A riding involving 2 distinctive towns could lead to some complex campaign strategy. If the people on my doorstep do not live in Aurora and I have no idea who they might be, they could be wasting their time & mine.


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