Saturday 7 June 2014

Number one e-mailmentioned last night

Mr. Huycke,

I  am forwding this motion with the intention of requesting waiver of procedure to allow Council to consider  without notice.  It has been done before.

Whereas  destruction of the United Church by fire  could not have been anticipated and plans for replacement must therefore be under consideration by the Congregation.

And whereas,  a  Council decision is pending on disposition of  public properties in Library Square.

And whereas both are  key sites within the  historic core of the town. Both have important institutional functions within the community.

Now therefore be it hereby resolved the Mayor be directed to seek a meeting  between Councillors  and Church representatives to discover how the town and church might work together for renewal of church and municipal functions  for benefit to both.

Evelyn Buck


  1. I see no problem with any of the 3 items. They can certainly cause no harm to the town. Which is the job of Council.

  2. No mention of a land swap?

  3. 11:20
    Early days yet. Shall we see how it goes first ?

  4. And if my church gets burned out will the Town do the same for it? Dangerous precident and totally outside of the Town's realm.

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