Wednesday 23 July 2014

What You Just Said

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Rehash of a Rehash":

"A bylaw requires dog-owners to stoop and scoop on penalty of a fine."

There are a lot of scofflaws out there. After the spring melt, it's disgusting the amount of "pathogens" left behind from winter dog walks.

Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 23 July 2014 14:09


Think about what you just said.

"After the Spring smelt, it's disgusting the amount of "pathogens" left behind from winter dog walks."

You  said.....left behind .

After melted snow left the scene, pathogens were left behind. They were not being processed through a treatment facility.

Probably at least ninety-five per cent of winter snow falls where there are boulevards ; built for snow storage. 

I live in the town. I've never seen  masses of dog poop in the Spring. 

I've been a Councillor for  the last eleven years, I've never seen 
a report on that particular health hazard.

I have observed  masses of litter in shopping centre parking lots after snow mountains melt.

Masses of pathogens left from winter dog walks?  No. I  would  have noticed that.

New subdivisions have storm water ponds ,constructed  at cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars,
adding to the price of their homes.

Their  purpose is to treat  rain flowing off roofs ,down driveways annd  off roads into the ponds. 

The expert theory is , pathogens sink as sediment to the bottom of the pond and allow  outflow 
of cleansed water to make it's way to the creeks,rivers and  finally Lake Simcoe .

It' s supposed to be an improvement over farmers' fields.

It's still unproven .

Not long ago we had an expert from South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority make a presentation to Council to warn us lake waters are still deteriorating.


  1. I heard that " expert ". He as much as admitted that Aurora was doing an excellent job and that any increase in toxic level was due to air-born stuff beyond our control. In fact, he concluded that the those towns with extra equipment were having trouble maintaining old and pretty well-useless machinery.
    Aurora got good marks from him. Without the snow treatment facility .

  2. This old battle was fought years ago when the fruit growers in Niagara took the Province to court over salt damage to their tender stock. Road salt was exempted as a contaminant under Ontario's Environmental legislation and still is I believe. I recall that the court held that while the substance may cause damage one has to be aware of the greater good of keeping our highways safe in winter conditions. The fruit growers were unsuccessful.

    Throwing another $1M at our proposed public works site makes little sense to me.

  3. Most of the snow is collected from the roads and parking lots. Not a lot of pet owners walk their animals on the roads. On our street people pick up after their animals and then throw their empty coffee cups into our empty blue boxes waiting to be brought in. Go figure.

  4. I cover a few miles a day and in the spring the only left-overs are bits and pieces of refuse where garbage cans sit each time for collection. My dog will sometimes find a seriously rotten banana. Are we supposed to ban bananas and chicken wings ?

  5. A Heads-Up to Anyone changing Doctors:
    You will likely get a call from a Records Outfit saying that it will cost you to copy your records. It seems the originals have to be stored for 10 years. In our family, the lowest figure was around $85.00.


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