Monday 28 July 2014

It's No Small Thing

Tuesday's 3pm meeting will be streamed.Apparently it's a simple matter of clicking a button.

I am still conflicted about the meeting.

I've read  the candidates profiles.. Once.

I plan to attend out of respect for the candidates but for the same  reason  the process is even more
unacceptable. Amendments to the process do not make it better.

Appointments are  regularly made by Council within a term of office.

Councils are elected every four years.
The Municipal  Clerk is the Elections Officer . He makes the rules. Council has no authority in the

Candidates cannot make  rules whereby they are to be elected.  Obviously.

The Municipal  Act requires Council to  APPOINT  a person to fill the vacant seat.

I contend the Municipal Clerk/ Elections Officer has no role in  recommending  a process in the matter of  appointment.

Ample  precedents are established.

 The recommended  process is unworkable under the Town's procedure bylaw.

For a question to be considered  by Council a Mover and seconder are required.

Debate is normal though not essential.  Prior to discussion,  a motion to put the question without debate is in order .

A majority can adopt  a motion to proceed without debate.

In the process recommended  by the Clek/ Elections Officer, who has no authority in the matter because it's an appointment, not an election;  no provision is made for motions  to be duly moved and seconded ; no provision to debate the motions; and no provision for  motions  to be decided by separate votes.

Invitation extended to apply to fill the vacant seat  was not inappropriate.

Once invited , requirement to submit a profile cannot be  faulted.

Opportunity  to make public presentations becomes  problematic ....because...for  eight Councillors , after listening to eighteen presentations,  to debate  in public why the choice if this candidate would be more suitable another is both inappropriate and unacceptable.

The problem is not resolved by marking a ballot.

For Councilloars, to  vote for this person versus all others without giving a reason is not acceptable.

Certainly transparency is  not  the result.

I  will not vote in support of the  recommendation amended by staff.

Out of respect for the candidates I will  attend.

Out of  the same respect,  I will not  cast a vote without justification.

I will not  publicly discuss the merits of  one candidate over another

Given the opportunity ,I will do what I can to persuade Council the normal process for appointment be observed.

Privacy and dignity of the individual takes precedence  over. a pretext of openness and transparency.


  1. Thanks for the info about the streaming, Councillor. Much appreciated.

  2. I think you are doing the right thing by attending out of respect for the candidates. I assume they are putting a lot of effort into their presentations and so should be given a fair hearing.

    The person chosen could get a boost if they have (or will) put their name forward for the October election.

    If I may quote or at least paraphrase the Mayor of Mississauga on the issue of spending she said, .. I treat the taxpayers' money like my own and that is sparingly.

    Look for this quality in the candidates and if one stands out give him or her the nod. If they talk of big schemes on the taxpayers' dime respectfully point them to the exit as soon as possible.

  3. 14:40
    - & no visions, please

  4. I checked the town web-site earlier. There was nothing about the streaming.

  5. It will greatly reduce the time required if councillors can refrain from a preamble about how they appreciate the good work being done by that individual on such and such a committee. Just a suggestion.

  6. 19:12- I agree. But Humphrey’s I’m sure will go on and on and on.

  7. @22:53
    I was thinking of her and of Cllr Abel.

  8. Both Councillors held back on the gush. Maybe they do read the Blog ?


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