Monday 4 August 2014

Politics do not come with warranty

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "New Topic":

There was no consequence in Richmond hill. Lots of yelling and pointing fingers. But all forgotten now.

Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 4 August 2014 


The assumption is surprising. Especially here in Aurora.

Councillor Gallo was appointed to fill the vacancy left by Grace. He was the runner-up in a comparatively recent election.

It was an entirely legitimate  decision though not popular.

Six years ago , he accepted the  appointment. Few would have done otherwise.

I would argue ,many have still not forgotten.

I know very ,very little about Richmond Hill politics.

Is there a Mayoralty challenge in the upcoming eleection?

How long has the current Mayor  held the office?

Have there been other controversies. Disappointments? Betrayals?

Does he hold on to the job because no credible  alternative has presented?

The variables are myriad.

But nothing   is certain until the votes are counted.

1 comment:

  1. I don’t think many understand the ramifications of an appointment. As long as the “legal” municipal process is followed I don’t think it hits anyone’s radar. I heard and read about Richmond Hill’s appointment, it was pretty nasty but all legal.


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