Sunday 17 August 2014

Public Business

Yesterday was a dreary day. Not much accomplished. Thank goodness for the blog and the chit chat.

I published the hostile comment to illustrate the form.  Angry reaction to a blunt and straightforward 
response is not uncommon and Lord knows, I've been doing it long enough to become accustomed. 

I sent an e-mail recently to the manager of the Chamber of Commerce after the request for a waiver if fees for facilities for the Annual Home Show. 

I asked if any thought had been given to  reaction of taxpayers. What might they think of being asked to provide free facilities to a money-making venture of a private operation. 

Ask them to provide free facilities. Then  ask them to pay admission to facilities provided at their expense. 

The Chamber if Commerce is about promoting local business. Good will towards potential customers should be an important consideration. 

Asking taxpayers to pay  the fee for facilities for a highly profitable private event might not be the best way to go about that.

I never received an answer to my e-mail. Maybe the manager was insulted. 

I don't understand that. My job is to represent taxpayers interest. It is not to be doling out funds paid for service,  to whoever makes outrageous demands for selfish interest.

I know an election  is pending.  It's  the norm  for candidates to be kind and generous.

A waiver of  the fees was suggested by a Councillor before the request was made.

For all I know, it may be where the idea originated.

I've never been inclined towards giving taxpayers money away. I would rather not collect it in the first place, than take it to dole out to whoever has the brass to demand it. 

Now we have social media it's easier to convey why I think the Chamber of Commerce ought to be  ashamed to request taxpayers provide free use of public facilities for a highly profitable venture. 

There would be no Home Show if  the town had not built facilities that could accommodate 
such events. User fees do not cover capital costs. 

Come to that , there would be no Chamber of Commerce  either, if the town had not made accommodation  possible. 

Taxpayers do not  owe the Chamber a free ride. 

I do not expect this post to be a comfort to  the Chamber of Commerce. 

 Anger or embarrassment ...perhaps. 

But .....if the unreasonable demand had never  been made,  a bare-knuckle response would  not be the response.

Insult. ..certainly not.

Cause and consequence .


  1. They certainly do well with the Street Sale & I believe that came from an idea by Ron Wallace that morphed into something enormous. The CoC has been riding the wave ever since.


  2. My understanding of the purpose of a Chamber of Commerce is to promote the community to potential businesses that have expressed an interest in establishing an operation in that community.

    The Chamber does this in many ways, from providing literature on the community and its facilities to arranging meetings with business leaders, senior members of town staff and mayor, touring the town and showing potential buildings that are available to lease and lands that are available to purchase.

    I believe Mayor Dawe was the President of the Aurora Chamber of Commerce the year he ran for office.

    It would be interesting to see how effective the Chamber of Commerce has been in each the past ten years in attracting new businesses to our town. Perhaps it can provide this information.

  3. I had to speak up due to a past post about the farmers market.On Saturday past I heard a women telling an EMS worker to move their ambulance.I asked who the daft women was.I was told "Oh, she is the Chair".The women is a bully for sure.

  4. It is passing strange that, despite all the real estate owned by the town, Aurora can find space for most organizations except for the Food Pantry.

  5. Oh let's not forget that the Chamber promotes local business, that promotes local commerce - but I forgot - you think there is nothing wrong with the new ghost town that is now our main street aka. Yonge Street! Shame on you .....

  6. You "had to," 15:27?

    1. To 17:20 No one should feel they cannot share the truth.Aurora is a different matter.

  7. 15:10
    I would like that info too but it is not as if you can file a Freedom of Information request with the Chamber. Although thinking back, there are few of those that never go returned by the town a few years ago. Progress of a sort ?


  8. For all you heritage lovers, there is a fabulous 98 year-old house on 2.2 acres priced a thousand under $2million.

    Who says Kennedy Street West is all mega-mansions?

  9. 17:56, regarding that anecdote, we have no idea of what "the truth" may be. Accepting the circumstances as related, there might have been a valid reason for the request to move the EMS vehicle (blocking access for vendors or shoppers?).

    The accusation of "bully" is opinion not truth. That 15:27 felt compelled to "share" it here is a reflection on previous negative comments against the farmers' market chair. 15:27 knows there is a receptive audience for that kind of scuttlebutt here because an environment has been created and nurtured.

  10. @20:28
    I was going to mention that the fire hydrants in Aurora are being switched from green & yellow to red - but you probably feel that such a comment relies on a nurturing environment. Do not be so darn negative.
    Have a good day.

  11. 8:38
    Thanks for that timely information. I mentioned it on this blog about 6 weeks ago.

  12. 18:51
    I guess you mean The Pink House. Those owners have done a good job keeping the place looking decent. The wildlife sightings must be wonderful still.

  13. 08:38, that is a York Region initiative. Also, attempting to counteract negativity IS positive.

  14. Isn't that red awfully bright ? Maybe it will weather to be less of an eye-sore and still effectively visible.

  15. Something that's meant to be located during an emergency situation, perhaps spotted through clouds of smoke, and you hope that it fades, 08:15?!

    To quote someone from another thread: "It's difficult to debate with stupid."


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