Tuesday 12 August 2014

Smidgeon....a small smudge

I think a smidgeon is  a small smudge.  A scintilla  I would define  as a pin point.

Richmond Hill and  one other municipality, Markham I think, has undertaken a "snow treatment" facility. it me seems anything  they do is the product of genius and we must do it too. O

We  do separate oil and grit from run off in storm water ponds we require developers to build in new subdivisions. iIt's. a theory. I' ve never seen a study to prove it is effective. I have asked. The ponds are intended to counteract the effect of  covering so much of the land with asphalt , roads and driveways and parking lots and roof tiles.

Lake Simcoe  Conservation Authority visits regularly to advise Lake waters continue to degrade.

Even as the Region is planning to build a trunk sewer from Aurora to  re-direct sewage from Aurora and Newmrket and permit urban sprawl all the way to the lake.

We spend a million  a year  re-lining pipes tho stop infiltration of ground water and reduce volume  and that's to provide more scapacity for  more development, even while the provincial government preaches high density to stop urban sprawl and save Ontario food lands.

The Mayor submits regular reports from the Authority ,of which he is a RegionL member. I can't  say I have ever seen a reference to the plan to build a sewage treatment facility  at Lake  Simcoe.

I can't say it wasn' t there . It just wasn't conspicuous


  1. The snow treatment is still very much a theory.

  2. My goodness ! The salt removal facility is to deal with only the snow from the downtown core !
    Mr. S. " We are only dealing with a small amount of snow "

  3. Rogers has dropped their programming from my computer.


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