Wednesday 22 October 2014

Dirty Tricks Again

I've had a call and an e-mail about a slanderous leaflet being circulated .

Sad to say we've seen it or other similar stuff before.

In 2003, an RV circulated the new areas of town during the two week-ends prior to the election. They ran past  polling stations  with advance polls operating with huge banners telling people who not to vote for.

It  wasn't successful. But  It left  a bad taste. Nobody claimed responsibility.

The meanness continued in the Council elected.  Almost the first motions presennted was to withdraw an honour given thirteen years previously to a veteran Council member sitting at the table with them. Nigel KeNe moved it. Phyllis 'Morris seconded .

At the start of this term, it was made clear the decision of the electorate was not accepted.  Though overt hostility could not be maintained for four years, there was never a time when it seemed the spite had dissipated.

It  was always there, awaiting the opportunity to rear it's ugly head again.

So once again the community gets  to turn thumbs down on  dirty tricks and spite.

We didn't root out the whole last time.  We can have another go at it this time. .


  1. There is a fair bit of garbage floating around. The only way to separate it out is to consider what those participating in the material have been doing for Aurora over the past term. Or not as the case may be.

  2. My picks for re-election was determined over a year ago, which are only 2. I only can pick 2 from the new ones. I'm missing more than half a council table.

  3. My brother in Town just called to tell me he couldn’t find the list of candidates on the Town’s website. Frustrated he just asked me, besides you Evelyn, who else will mind the bank, and take care of his money. Just thought I would pass that one along to you. :)

  4. I cannot get a handle on Mr Kean. In all the years we've lived here, no one seems to remember anything positive he even wrote or did. Does he get up angry every morning ?

  5. The establishment of the farmers' market for one, 19:53. But, I get your point.

  6. If you're asking us to root out the leftovers from the last time why don't you allow comments on your blog that point their fingers at ignorance, plagiarism, and out and out bull shit?

    There are many ways of saying something unflattering without it being slanderous, or writing something strong and to the point without it being libellous.

    I know you are in a delicate situation, but to have to sit at a round table with two people who defamed you and worse makes my blood boil, and heaven knows what it does to yours.

  7. 21:01 – Have trust in Evelyn. She is wiser than most.

  8. A slate has been said be put out by the "concerned citizen" group (whoever they are) only has Gallo and Geartner returning, all else new! The group writes about tax increases over the past four years. Wondering if the group has more legal battles they want the town to foot! Over 1 million in legal battles and counting and Geartner and Gallo both have their names attached them!

    Trusting you will be returned to your seat at the table on Monday night Evelyn!

  9. 21:11
    Ditto that. She is not going to allow herself to get dragged into what could be potentially dangerous..

  10. 6:15
    I am waiting for an attack on the Auroran.

  11. Well said 6:15!!!!

  12. You can find Nigel @scottydog 1949

  13. Yeah, 19:31, and over a month later, he's still promoting Scottish separation. The guy can't win for losing.


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