Saturday 22 November 2014

Free As A Bird....I Shall Be

It had a call this morning.

From a distance.

Do I remember an O.M.B. Hearing on a previous proposal for development of the Highlands under the ownership of the late  Joe Shaw?

I don't . I was out of office from 77/80 . My caller knew I was not elected recently but called anyway.

It's  a bit odd.

One particular jackass is trying every which way for me to confess I identified myself as an elected official  in order to get a charge dropped  against a person unknown to me for stealing a poppy box.

After the election a couple of comments expressed  ecstasy at the results. One stated how overjoyed he/she was.

Apparently not sufficient to be content. Hence the need  to gloat.

One person's satisfaction derived from knowing my "power" was ended.

It's  interesting to discover weird ideas.

I 've never thought of a single vote on Council in terms of power.

However , I do know at least five who consider five votes to be  beyond the law.

Since  the time approaches I am no longer a Councillor, I allow my mind to roam over alternate topics for Blog.

I 'm still on the Council e-mail list . Still connected for  thirteen more days.

 I shall be free.
 Free as a bird.
To do whatever comes naturally.
Whatever it might be.
That comes naturally to me.


  1. I voted for you Evelyn. In fact I voted for you and one other person who was not an incumbent. I was one of the ones who commented how pissed I was that you were not re-elected. As time has gone by, I’m kinda of a little joyful for you personally that you did not get re-elected. Joyful that you now have the freedom and time to do or say whatever your big heart, smart and witty mind desires. Now I’m just pissed off at those that got re-elected. :)

  2. Go forth & have a blast !

  3. If there are any reports you need/want from the town, now might be a good time to try and get them.


  4. It would be very interesting to see the first six items on your post-council list of things to do.

    While this may be a somewhat melancholy moment I think you will burst free and soar to new and exciting heights. You deserve it.

  5. Laughter transforms a single vote into something a lot more powerful. That is what they could never understand.
    Council meetings are going to be really dull without you. I may even quit watching and just read the Auroran.

  6. "Joyful" is a good word, 13:43.

  7. Oh, man, Santa is going to be so wet !
    Usually at this time, our road is jammed with cars and the sidewalks filled with young families en route to and from the parade.
    Zilch traffic. I think if it were me, I'd be checking out televised parades from the big cities.

  8. What come natural to you is writing. It is as necessary as breathing for you. In a pinch, you could write a book on some computer program but it might bore you silly.

    1. Were you not around when Mr Rogers was CAO?

  9. Perhaps there are too many " Santas " ? Our kids were fine to stay home. The youngest thinks Santa has some brothers who help out during the season, I think it only we adults who care who Santa is.

  10. 80 floats. an excellent effort. no way to re-schedule something so big.

  11. I liked the photo of councillors holding candles in the rain. Santa hats an essential item tonight

  12. It sure wasn't Buffalo.

  13. That was a real challenge to the photographers. No one wanted to get their cell phones shorted out.

  14. 19:07
    He was a great guy. Now when I hear that name, I start to froth and it takes a lot to make me angry. What an awful organization !

  15. Don't think I ever heard or read about the reason why they terminated his employment. I do remember him participating with some sort of charitable event for the Town after he was terminated. Thought he was a pretty stand up guy for doing that. Maybe we might be able to hear the reason after Nov. 1st! :)

  16. 22:22
    Unfortunately it appears it will have to wait a bit longer.......

  17. I'm not sure about how accurate the Auroran polls are but my computer says that half the voters are opposed to getting community mail-boxes. Do they really think they can stop it ?

  18. 10:06
    There was a lot of opposition to closing the PO & losing those jobs & the ones from the sorting out back. All the politicians wrote their letters of protest to no avail.

  19. Mail carriers attitudes have changed and not for the better. The depot at mulock is not exactly the friendliest of bunch either. Their anger and frustration is coming out loud and clear. No survey needed.


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