Sunday 2 November 2014

No sex please, we're British

Input indicates Hallowe'en is alive and well in schools as well as well as neighbourhoods.

If  the blog is  a smidgeon of opinion, the issue produced a kaleidoscope shower of pointy shards.

One person  went to what isn't happening in the schools. Like improvement in literacy.

Another went to cost of education.

 Still another took up the question of race and religion and suggested whites have a monopoly on Christianity.Considering  the roots of Christianity is Judaism I don't thinks that can be taken seriously.

Then we had our friend and would -be influence ,who qualifies every thought with   the expression "Cheez".

What seems unproven is  an assault on  Canadian culture.

Which is not to say  culture outside of Quebec isn't being sold like thirty pieces of silver by political parties without regard for any other principle.

La Belle  Province steadfastly exercises it's right, within Confederation, to adopt  policies needed to protect it's unique culture.

It's not a  learned process.

It's about passion.

Either it  exists or not.

If's a commodity. .. It can be bought or sold.


  1. Apparently the " new " editor of the Banner is that gal who was doing their sister paper in Georgina. Now she is editing both and maybe more. It will be interesting when she weighs in with an editorial on Aurora's heritage. Those who had hoped for a fresh eye are going to be disappointed to discover more of the same.

  2. "Still another took up the question of race and religion and suggested whites have a monopoly on Christianity."

    No, no such suggestion was made. You obviously missed the point about members of the dominant, majority culture complaining as if they were being oppressed.

    "Considering the roots of Christianity is Judaism I don't thinks that can be taken seriously."

    Are you saying that Jews aren't "white"?

    p.s. It was "Geez" not "Cheez."

  3. Cheese Evelyn!... What made you post 14:05 comment?

  4. 14:05
    Obviously you survived your election disappointment. But please do not take out your lingering anger on this blog.

  5. That's funny, Evelyn, because I think that comment started with "Geez " in some strange attempt to look like another. Obviously it did not work.

  6. The Horton place is listed for one and a half million.


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