Friday 19 December 2014

All's Well

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "There is no mystery":

No, we cannot always expect the truth. It is a shame but just the way thing are and especially during an election.

Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 16 December 2014 at 19:46


People seated at a council table are there by virtue of having sworn an Oath of Office to serve without compromise. That hasn't changed.

We all have quirks and foibles. I believe when one places a hand on a bible and swears an oath in presence of... it means without  compromise.

I also believe  if  a tree isn't real, it's not a real Christmas tree.

When the kids were little,we went out to a tree farm. Picked out our tree ,cut it down and brought it home. It was fresh and full and filled the room with  scent.

It had to be of a height for the Angel to be within the top frame of the window.

We  dressed it with lights and decoration then trooped across to the other side of the road to see how it looked .

None of our babies ever stayed in  a play pen. At Christmas ,we put the tree in the play pen to protect it from the baby.

Our angel came from a religious shop on the north east corner of Wellesley and Yonge Street on our
second Christmas  in Canada. We lived two blocks north.

Mascot  Bakery was on the south east corner. They had the best meat pies, hot from the oven, dark flakey pastry and darker still savory gravy and the best big sticky buns .

Our last Christmas tree went  on the summer deck. There wasn't room inside  because of all the

One year, we fastened a  temporary shelf over the stair well at the front entrance. The tree was

 out of the way and in full view.  But I never did it again. It was a bit weird.

This year Heather and Robyn  have  re-arranged the sitting room. The sofa table at the window has been moved and the love seat  re-positioned in front  of the table. Room  vacated by the table is the the tree's rightful space.

The old boxes of ornaments  haven't  been down from the shelves for years.

There should be two little blue and white hanging yarn shapes Heather made when very young. Also
a  wreath made with card  and pasta shapes sprayed with gold paint. Paint was wearing off last time I saw it.

A little clip -on bird with tail missing .They were part of a set of twenty-four bought for a fraction
after Christmas in Kresge's on the corner of Yonge and College.Opposite the Gardens.

On Sunday , four generations will gather at my house.

Grandsons Aaron and Michael have special friends who will join the family for the first time.

Seventeen year old Maria will be with us for a second Christmas.She camped with the family at Sandbanks this summer.

It must be  more than twenty years since I last tried to set a table.

The house will be crowded with people who enjoy each other. Filled with sound and laughter and redolent with familiar aroma of beef roasting in juice and a savory rub.

The same family in the same house for fifty years.

With the tree in it's rightful place.


  1. Christmas is the best!

  2. And so are you in your special place. Have a wonderful time.


  3. This reminds me of a scene from the movie A Christmas Carol, based on a novel by Charles Dickens.

    It starred Alastair Sim and first appeared in black and white in 1951.

    Ebenezer Scrooge is making a very tentative call upon his nephew's home, after his visits from the three Spirits.

    His uncontrolled glee startle the family gathered around the dining table, but soon all is set right and the world has gained a better man than any could imagine.

  4. E. on behalf of my entire family and friends, i want to wish you and your family a Merry Xmas and prosperous New Year.

    You are truly a special individual that "knows what she says and says what she knows". Unfortunately, those who cannot cope with your extreme level of knowledge and common sense cannot deal with it.

    It is their loss and not yours!

    The people of Aurora will miss your input.
    The new council may act like they don't but they do!!

    I will never watch or attend the "gong show" again.

    Wishing you Health and Happiness

    Your friends for life,
    (living amongst 18 newly planted trees)

  5. EVERYONE take care on the roads over the holidays. The emergency vehicles went through town several times today with no obvious road problems.
    Be careful out there

  6. Have a marvellous holiday, Evelyn.
    Perhaps after Christmas, you might tell me if that concept for a hockey rink designed by a staff member even got off the ground. I was hoping he might be in line for some royalties even though he said he would not claim them,
    The matter went into closed session & I do not recall hearing anything more. Maybe it is a secret .....


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