Friday 26 December 2014

Credit withheld

I never knew the amount of  Margaret Brevik's legacy to the  Aurora Historical Society. It was added to the renovation fund for the museum.

I apologise for not acknowledging Margaret's contribution .

The funds were not used for the purpose intended  but her  name is attached to a room being used for a purpose not intended. 

There's not a lot to be said to commend the practice.


  1. We can talk about this until we turn blue. They have a nice comfortable gig at no cost to themselves. At the slightest whiff of trouble, the e-mails and twitter will be on alert and they will pack the council chamber with bodies. It worked before and will likely work again.

  2. It worked for them because those on council who bowed to the pressure were cowards. Unfortunately a brave character is not a prerequisite to be on council.

  3. 21:44
    Pressure groups usually but not always work but that one was over the top with imported speakers. We will see how this council shapes up with the residents in 3 areas all howling about their rights.

  4. *cough* 'South-East Old Aurora Heritage Conservation District' opposition lobby *cough*


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