Sunday 7 December 2014


Subject: FW: Canada Revenue Agency
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 09:50:46 -

The Canada Revenue Agency actually commented on this one.
Something to ponder ...... but, still worth a broad smile !
Amazing, but true, if you think about it ! This example shows the
importance of accuracy in your tax return.
The CRA has returned the Tax Return to a man
in Canada after he apparently answered one of the questions incorrectly.
In response to the question, ... "Do you have anyone dependent on
you ?"

The man wrote: ... "2.1 million illegal immigrants, 1.1 million
crackheads, 4.4 million unemployable scroungers,
80,000 criminals in over 85 prisons plus 650 idiots in Parliament
and the entire group that call themselves Politicians".

The CRA stated that the response he gave was unacceptable.

The man's response back to CRA was, "Who did I leave out ?"


  1. This is almost as funny as "Lewd and Lascivious"

  2. When did you get so right-wing?

  3. I think that is hilarious but I would be afraid to thumb my nose at the CRA. Having seen them take a few people to court for failing to fill in some forms, I do not want them to even know I exist.

  4. The scope of your possible ads just keeps getting better.

  5. 16:43
    Since when is humour party-coded ?

  6. 20:04
    When that "humour" stigmatizes immigration, drug abuse, unemployment, prisoners, etc.

  7. Oh for crying out loud 22:32. Left-wing, right-wing, no-wing. It was funny. You know.... when you go Hahaha.

  8. "You know.... when you go Hahaha."

    Oh, not to worry, 00:03. I do that all the time...often when I'm reading stuff on this blog.

  9. 12:13
    That is untrue. It makes you crazy as does your inability to engage on Mr Watt's site. Admit it, you do not understand humour.

  10. 16:24
    That is such an extent that it's humourous.

  11. @12:13
    You do anger well. Humour needs more work.

  12. 20:21, I don't do anger, at all. Here, I mostly do bemusement and bewilderment.

  13. Hey, it was an extremely funny letter.


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