Monday 29 December 2014

Taxation for hand-outs is not O.K.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Budgeting is Annual":

"Comments to this blog indicate opposition to the expenditure."

I think that this statement would be more accurate if it was:

"Comments to this blog that the moderator decided to publish indicate opposition to the expenditure

Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 29 December 2014 at 08:44


The moderator publishes comments that contribute to conversation. Name-calling and gutter-sniping don't cut the mustard.

The strategy appears to have changed this morning. People are back to work. Comments attack the town's management record while  Board management decisions are kept out of the public eye. 

The comments are not without irony since the board is not responsible for any aspect of maintenance of the facility they occupy. The building was handed over without ado. No proclamation of an agreement that betrayed the town's interest.  Most certainly public support could not be claimed while the  perfidy was kept secret.

Perhaps the term squat rather than occupy  better describes the circumstance.

Comments  from centre supporters echo of the reaction of the St Kitts outfit when Council cut off the mega thousand hand-out of funds and facilities and required competition for the advantage.

May our August  Council be respectfully reminded of the fickle finger of fame.

I awoke  this morning thinking of  frequent references to minuscule opposition to the centre expressed in this blog.

I thought of thirty people who showed up at the barbecue and open house to promote double digit millions being spent of the Joint works and parks facility.

The Mayor and staff thought  a turn-out of thirty represented a successful event.Attendees did not avail themselves of the opportunity to comment.

I thought of all the consultant "studies " to support this decision and that.  Not only are those numbers also minimal, they're the same people  who show up all the time

This Blog does not apologize for being.

Who else writes a regular blog and invites conversation.

Why do Centre supporters feel compelled to hurl invective?

Certainly no shortage of resources are spent on no centre promotion.

But is there a blog telling people why they did this or wouldn't do that again?

Or revealing strategy previously successful, to talk to individualt Councillors to secure  more money from town coffers while also soliciting  funds from small business in town.

The same business that pays taxes that replenish the town treasury.

They also support organizations that depend on volunteers and fund-raising to keep  programs going
While at the same time creating employment, struggling to meet a payroll and providing service to the community.

Sports organizations depend on small business for financial support  to keep registration fees reasonable while also  in turn pay user fees for facilities which in turn in theory at least, pay   The cost of operating the  facilities.

None of which can be claimed by Church Street School Management Board.


  1. "Who else writes a regular blog and invites conversation."

    Oh SNAP! Take that Chris.


  2. While I don't want to quibble with the blog moderator, there is a a huge difference between thirty people and nine, the actual number that turned out for the free barbecue and open house previewing the Joint Ops Centre.

    This is not exactly a ringing endorsement from the public.

    Rather, it demonstrates the public's indifference.

  3. There is no other person with your experience and courage Evelyn. Hence no other blogs.

  4. 9 people, just 9, went to that barbecue for the joint-ops building and none were interested in filling out the questionnaire.

  5. There was a definite attempt this morning to deflect attention from the Centre. One commenter went after the town's management of places as being inept with no evidence and then mention the " school " in an aside.
    The centre has not worn a " school " label for years - it did, however briefly, show a proud sign for a MUSEUM.

  6. There was a definite attempt this morning to deflect attention from the Centre. One commenter went after the town's management of places as being inept with no evidence and then mention the " school " in an aside.
    The centre has not worn a " school " label for years - it did, however briefly, show a proud sign for a MUSEUM.

  7. Funny, 16:05.
    Some of us have managed to access Mr Watts site. I think Evelyn might also have figured out how to do it.

  8. OK
    Let me try a generalization without offending anyone.
    There will be budget discussions.
    The ACC takes a chunk out of the numbers every year.
    We will be able to follow those discussions & see if the ACC is even on the table - it might have already bean dealt with before the election.
    People in town know which councillors they voted for & presumably the elected councillors know who supported them.
    I do not believe that any councillors are going to believe that they were carried into office on a wave of enthusiasm from the ACC.
    Let us see what happens.

  9. 19:48- remember....only one third of the electorate voted.

  10. @18:37

    I can "access" it but a quick survey on the first page of "witty" postings the actual count of comments equals zero.

    Of course he invites conversation - on his own terms and by showing you identity.

    Even the press is allowed to keep their informants anonymous.

  11. 21:04
    So ? That's par for the course. Those who did vote have a brief window of opportunity to influence those they supported . Last term, council was so new that they were given a great deal, maybe too much, slack.


  12. Elections are a numbers game. When candidate knows that all you need to win is approx. 5k votes, their campaigns are geared towards that number. The incumbents will cater to those that have held out their hands and received gov't handouts, and newbies have to work to muster up and take votes away from incumbents and those who have left their seats.

  13. 8:48
    Sometimes you sound a trifle paranoid. Do you think he gives a damn who you are ?

  14. Always wanted to do this before HE gets the chance....


    What a maroon.


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