Saturday 13 June 2015


There were eighteen comments to the last post.,The last  one made me smile.

"Communist " it said in sharp response to "Neocon"

The reaction was not what I expected. 

Society is at fault.

Political Parties of all stripes  are the villains. 

Parents no longer care about their children. 

Broken families are responsible for society's ills. 

Teachers and the education system are to blame. 

The strap is no longer allowed in  schools. 

There are no consequences for bad behaviour. 

All the old saws we repeat to each other all the time were repeated in the comments
The most disturbing information provided in the post came from the psychiatrit's lecture at Hart House f

He said our children are being diagnosed with mental problems  and prescribed medication to control their behaviour as a result of  the pharmaceutical industry successful promotion of their product to the medical profession. 

He came out of retirement to make the statement .  Children  are being used, I would say abused, for no reason other than commercial greed of companies that manufacture mind altering drugs. 


  1. I have no idea who is prepared to stand in front of the big drug companies. It is a messy situation.


  2. I would suspect that frustrated parents, unable to control their children are as much, if not more so, to blame.

    A drug company is not going to invest sometimes upward of a billion dollars and undergo an extensive testing period that can go on for five years unless there is a proven need or benefit from a new drug.

    And we know that many doctors get kickbacks from drug companies for recommending and using their products.

    It still comes down on the parents and their inability, through both working or whatever manner of life they lead.

    1. "Whatever manner life they lead"...I think you nailed the problem right there!

  3. I was afraid of my teachers.
    Today's teachers are afraid of their students.
    There has to be a middle ground.
    The national testing shows real problems.

  4. 13:21- So was I, I used to trust cops. Not anymore. I haven't for years. I don't think many do either anymore.

  5. My folks likely would have given me pills if that had been an option./ Same with the rest of the kids on the street. They just threw us out to play until dark instead.

  6. Parents count on baby-sitters, nannies, teachers for school and sports and pills. Not to mention computers.

  7. If our property taxes were lower, we could afford to live on one salary and not use all of the other things to occupy the children. Unfortunitly, residents demand more and more and everyone has to pay for it. So, what can you do?

  8. 15:36 - 30% of residents are asking for more and more. The other 70% do and say nothing. If more of the electorate communicated to their politicians and participated in the voting process, changes would happen.

  9. 15:36
    We try to elect those who would try to help. Pick your own slate and work for it.

  10. 15:36 S
    See 18:31 comment. How do you think the SCC got what they wanted and continue to do so ? I continue to ask people if they if they've ever been to that center, and they look at me like I have 2 heads. Never heard of it! Have no clue how much Council forks over to operate it every year!

  11. So, 18:31, that must put you in the "30%," right?

    1. Yes I am. What's your point?

  12. Have you ever been to it, 20:12?

  13. 20:12
    That may be coming to an end - depends on what they hear in the community between now and the next budget. There is definitely some shape-shifting already,

  14. In the grand scheme of things, what does the SCC (or should that be ACC?) get from the Town? That's a rhetorical question but, if they did not get that money, what would the direct impact to my tax bill be? It would be marginal.

    My complaint about taxes is on the bigger items. We can complain about the ACC or Farmer's Market or whatever, the real money wasters are never talked about.

  15. 8:29 - Yes I have. What's your point?

  16. $$ shape-shifting. With big corporations leaving the area. $'s leaving too.

  17. Thank You, 10:22. Finally, a reasonable, sensible commenter.

  18. @20:12/12:58

    Just that maybe you need a wider circle of friends, or perhaps you should invite some of those that have allegedly 'never heard of it' to accompany you on your next visit.

  19. Shape-shifting?! What are you on about?

    Look, the haters had their chance when the agreement was revisited. What came out of that was a new, 15-year contract with the Town. Also, the loudest, most persistent critic failed to get re-elected to Council.

    It's time you found a new dead horse to flog. Move along, there's nothing to see here...

  20. 19:27
    When the piggy bank is empty, contracts become nul and void. If you think this Town and Region can sustain this type of spending all in the name of "improving the quality of life" for the selected few? Think again.

  21. 15:35
    My friends and I supprt private businesses and organizations in this town and the surrounding area who provide the same services.

  22. It will be like the Jazz Group. The community will just say " Enough " one day as they see a small pod continue to use the building and support with an annual subsidy while making no attempt to get more self sufficient. Other needs will naturally take over the interest of residents. The Centre almost got funding cut at the last minute in the budget this year - their time is drawing down IMO

  23. What I really wish this town was "void" of is whack-jobs - them and cranks.

  24. 8:20 - Well I guess that's something that we can all agree on.

  25. I wonder if anyone has told them that organizations with boards should know how to take minutes of meetings. But maybe there are no awards offered for doing such a mundane thing.

  26. @19:27
    That is why the Centre has a " contingency Fund " of half a million. For when the bunch of you get the boot.
    When times get tough, you will not be on the list that must be rescued.

  27. What "small pod" are you talking about? The facility and what it offers is for *everyone* in town. It is an Town amenity; much like the library, the arenas and other recreational facilities, the Seniors Centre, the youth space, the parks, trails, and arboretum, etc.

    Obviously, there's a few here who need to change their mind-sets, because incorrect impressions and unfounded biases still persist.

  28. There is absolutely no comparison, 02:37.

  29. 20:34 - Have you not noticed the hundreds of acres of new home development? The "piggy bank" will never be empty.

  30. 15:50
    I think you might want to drop a zero there ? There is a fund though.

  31. 16:02
    " like the Library " ? And all the other amenities that have existed and developed for years ?
    After a few short controversial years ?
    What are you smoking ?

  32. Everything for Everyone19 June 2015 at 20:11

    "...the bunch of you..."

    No. Such. Thing.


  33. It's truly amazing how many people will comment on a piece of history.

  34. 4x (Space Bar) Question Mark19 June 2015 at 20:25

    Yep, 18:57, a successful addition to the fabric of town life in a few short years. That, despite the misguided and failed efforts of the haters. It can proudly take its place with those other great Aurora amenities, and we're all the better for it.

  35. 20:25- " successful addition to the fabric of town life"? Bahahaha!

  36. 16:33
    You really think that this last parcel of land in home development is going to sustain the spending that government is doing? ... I guess we have some room for a bunch of multi level condos...and then what? Oh ya!! I forgot! Increase taxes. I forgot about that revenue tool. Your right! The piggy bank will always have money in it.

  37. I love the ' providing services '
    More like ' duplicating services ' already provided by the town, service clubs and local businesses.
    I will grant you the tea lectures and hat making contests

  38. I wasn't referring to development charges, 22:31. I meant that all that new home construction will provide many more properties contributing annual property taxes to the Town coffers.

    By the way, thanks for acknowledging that I'm right.

  39. 22:31- until hard working tax payers say. ENOUGH of this BS!

  40. I think the Centre should publish a book telling of its origins during one of the worst terms Aurora knew and how they came to be in a building not intended for them as one time with a board chair who was almost incapable of giving a simple sentence unaided. About a group that shuns the light on its operations and keeps no minutes, was intended to become self sufficient and could not.
    A simple little truthful book
    If they do not one of us surely can Mr Watts would be perfect for the job.

  41. 11:00. You were quite clear about your comment. PRoperty taxes has always been a great revenue tool for government. And if they have to raise them for pet projects?...that's ok with you.

  42. 21:56- We'd only be reading about how they had a "vision" to provide all residents of Aurora a "service" so that they can "improve our quality of life". Then we would have to hear about all their uphill obsticles to provide this Town these "essential " services and how they persevered to make this center a "successful addition to the fabric of town life"....No thanks! I've heard and read enough of their BS.

  43. 9:25
    I see your point but would regard it as comic to see how they explained the changing of the board members whenever things got a bit messy or just prior to an election. Still, OK, no book.

  44. No, not for "pet projects," but for value-added Town amenities.


  45. Hey people. Are your little minds not numb by now?

    Would you not rather have been on the Salisbury Plain where Stonehenge makes its home?

    Would you not rather have been one of some 23,000 people who attended at the neolithic site to celebrate the Summer Solstice, the longest day of this year 2015. According to reports "visitors kissed the stones, dancers swirled on the grass and drummers pounded as part of the free form celebrations. A small group pf yoga enthusiasts held a short class and couples renewed their commitments to each other."

    For those who don't know "this solstice occurs at the instant the sun reaches its most northerly point on the celestial sphere, the imaginary sphere of stars surrounding Earth."

    Stonehenge was built in three phases between 3,000 B.C. and 1,600 B.C. and we do not yet know its purpose.

    So people of Aurora, open your eyes and expand your minds to things that are truly spectacular. Throw this other rubbish down the drain.

  46. and another senator bites the dust .........

  47. No 17:25 We will fight to get back a stolen museum.


  48. 19:56

    What is your choice of weapon?

    By the way. Where are the artifacts that are supposed to be in our museum?

    1. I know there are artifacts missing.The new curator is questioning also.

  49. Have you tried holding your breath while stamping your feet, 19:56?

  50. 19:56- Is that you, Mr. Creepy Tours?

  51. To add fuel to another fire.......

    I was driving by the former Hydro Building on the weekend. The Queen's York Rangers sign is gone on both sides. Did Evelyn evict them?

  52. 9:09
    You could try going and asking - if anyone is in the place. It might just be a new one coming with updated info
    Funny if they had left but don't hold your breath. it's a soft rent.

  53. News Item...

    The Former Mayor of the Town of Aurora is asking the Town on Twitter about the posting of the CAO position. I bet she is going to throw in her hat.

  54. @ 8:28
    What is it with you trying to out people who comment on the Blog ? When you are quite paranoid about protecting your own identity ? I think it is because you once ran for council and were defeated because you appeared arrogant. That might explain your antipathy to Mr Watts who spotted your antics early.

  55. 15:02- They're probably still in there, but if not...they have a contract stating it's all there's for 20 yrs. next to nothing. Another great business transaction from our fine council.

  56. 21:19- How about 0 tax payers money. That should do it.

  57. 8:28.
    Mr. Creepy tours has done more for this Town then that whole circus in the SCC. All on his own time.

  58. 15:31
    Her " Hat " ?

    1. The former was a "her" and she has been known to wear those silly hats.

  59. 15:51
    The current one is not a heck of a lot better on real estate transactions. We do not need the Armory even as a gift.

    1. We sure do need it! It can become " part of the successful fabric of this Town!" ....or some kind of BS like that.

  60. You're Batting .00022 June 2015 at 19:16

    Well, 15:33, you're as right about that as you are with everything else.

  61. #shamelessselfpromotion22 June 2015 at 19:19

    Please cite examples, 15:55.

  62. 19:19
    Your kidding right? You must be new to this Town. Google his name and you'll have your examples.

  63. 18:49
    You "know" nothing of the sort. A previous curator has assured the new curator that that isn't the case.

    1. 18:49 Who is the previous?

  64. OK - Evelyn has moved on and this is just getting silly........Enuff Already !

  65. 15:31- So much of her Twitter feed is just (unintentionally) hilarious, particularly the anti-bullying stuff. There's just a complete lack of self-awareness.

    1. She's always been totally aware of everything she says and does.

  66. Seventy is a good # to end the comments.

    1. Funny...I didn't know that this was your blog. I thought it was Evelyn's

  67. Self-awareness is not the same thing, 21:08.


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