Monday 14 September 2015


BI don't have up-to-date details but they will be  in town records somewhere . All open and above board. 

Last time I saw the accounts the fee paid to the town by Rib Fest people was $12,000. maybe not exact but certainly the first two figures are accurate. 

The bands were paid by the town . No admission was charged and the event cost $11,000 in the end.

Last year the town received a provincial grant to pay for the bands. Admission may not have been charged.

This year we read iadmission was charged.  

I am not up to date on financing this year. But one thing is consistent. The venue has never been free to the Rib Fest operation. And... It would seem the concert audience was .at least in part, helping to pay the bands. 

I don't have a problem with that. 


  1. Ribs and Pulled Pork15 September 2015 at 08:17

    Here is an interesting article on the business of Rib Fests...

  2. It sounds as though the event was a success despite the rain. Tickets were available at the gate so no one HAD to get
    one ahead of time. I have no idea if the town made enough to cover the costs but would expect it to be the case,

  3. 8:17
    Yes, that guy is cutting into the business.

  4. It might be a question of priorities, Residents can see council come up with $10,000 for the Bradford man
    to get started on his whacky Aurora radio station idea.

  5. 12:45
    I say he is doing the capitalist thing and good for him. Sometimes private business can do things better than NFP or governments.

  6. 7:26
    Did not mean to imply otherwise. I read the article quite a while ago.

  7. Nice out for Hoe-Down although beer sales could be a bit low.


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