Sunday 6 March 2016


Is Dave Robinson has left a new comment on your post "THE DAILY BEAST....WHAT IS THAT?": 

The Daily Beast was the name of the newspaper in Evelyn Waugh's classic satire of journalism, Scoop. Journalists often are idealists at heart but keep this quality semi-protected by a thick shell of cynicism. The name was brought to real life as a political/cultural website about a decade ago by Tina Brown and others. It has since merged with Newsweek but has a wide following. 

Posted by Dave Robinson to  Our Town and Its Business at 6 March 2016 at 09:55


Thanks Dave . I  just learned of the Evelyn Waugh classic, SCOOP.

I thnk journalists are mostly creative writers who work as reporters to pay the rent and put food on the table. 

Every story is shaped by good and evil ...has  a hero,a villain, plot, a counter-plot and the reporter gets to decides which is which. 

On the other hand, it may be, the writing is just to encourage readership. 

In general, the business of newspapers and media, is not news. It's  advertising. The reality is everybody has to make a living . 

In particular, in politics, the story is never  Once upon a time and Happily ever after. 

Politics is about differences and complications. 

Democracy is about the right to be different ...and the right to be wrong without being the bad guy. 

The times are troublesome. But not for first time troublesome. 

A comment this morning opines there is no qualified candidate, Democratic or Republican,  in the race for office of American President. 

I beg to differ. 

No candidate is better qualified than Hillary Clinton nor has invested more of herself to make a difference in the lives of others. 

But the media has, not surprisingly, chosen Bernie Sanders as the hero.

To kin a phrase, the role is gender specific. He is the Man From La Mancha. 

He's not really but it's generally how a story unfolds. 

Sanders is as much opportunist as B.B. the Trumpeter. 

A villain must be also be cast. 

It's hard to be fair and negative about Hillary at the same time. They do it clumsily but they manage with the  proverbial thousand  small, telling, cuts.

I'm not even sure they know they're doing it  It's about trimming the narrative to fit the format or more precisely, cutting the coat to fit the cloth. 

The late Charlotte Whitten, Mayor of Ottawa in the fifties , a woman of  keen wit was quoted:

"Whatever women do, they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good ; fortunately,
it's not difficult." 

Years of trying to make a difference in the public sector, has no doubt taught Hillary Clinton to take 
nothing for granted. She will stay the course  because it's harder not to. 

 She doesn't know how. 

On Friday, I watched the  newly -released Oscar-nominated movie TRUMBO. It's the  tale of the 
Shameful House Committee on Un-American Activities. 

I've been so looking forward to the movie. It relates toThe Hollywood Ten ,writers in the early forties, who were blacklisted from making a living at their profession.

To-day Nancy Reagan died at ninety-four. Stories of her life returned us to those ugly times in Hollywood and American politics. 

As we speak , a great historic drama  is writing  itself. 


  1. The good news is that the talk-show host/ loud mouth is not looking at a majority or even a plurality of American voters.
    It's all smoke & mirrors.

  2. I think Miss Nancy died after watching that last republican debate in which they all claimed to be following in Regan's path.

  3. A lot of people pointed fingers during that un-American Activities period. They caused terrible harm. You hear echoes of it now in
    phrases like " If you are not for such and such, you cannot be a real american and should just leave "

  4. Real journalists are endangered species.

  5. Scuttlebutt has it that Romney has filed the paperwork to run. I have no idea if that is true,

  6. 12:25 - If that is true....He will be handing this over to Trump. What an idiot.

  7. No, Romney has not declared & Bloomberg is not running as an independent as he is hope Hillary has enough votes.


  8. A long time until their election - a lot can happen along the way.

  9. Trump, Drumph ,is about sound bites & playing chess with human beings.


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