"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 25 September 2008

Anonymous Said:

HEATHER'S NOTE: This comment was recently received on "The Hate Mail" post.

Anonymous said...
"The writer merely wrote what many in town think."

Or what a few want many to think. To vilify and demonize Cllr Buck is merely an attempt at misdirection. (Which, frankly, is giving far more attention (and potential power) to a single vote among nine. A "thorn in the side" gets magnified and can galvanize greater opposition)

Rather than show true, proactive leadership they instead obsess over every dissenting opinion, any perceived criticism. What we're left with is a reactive, micro-managing mayor (w/ confederates) bogged down in the vain hope of controlling the town's legislative AND administrative duties.

As much as Morris and MacEachern can't abide criticism and "misinformation" (their term) contained in this blog, The Auroran and the Aurora Citizen blog what must really compound their aggravation and frustration is the failure to control it. Indeed, the mayor was planning to hire a PR flack (sorry, "Communications Specialist" or some such) to handle media releases/publicity on behalf of the mayor (and council...well, some of them). Not for the business of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora but a political PR flack to 'manage the message'. Thankfully, I believe this proposed position didn't survive the budget process.

Being overly sensitive to criticism and exhibiting an inflexible "if you're not with us, you're against us" attitude might indicate insecurity, an overcompensation. There's definitely no collegial sense of consensus building or a team dynamic on this council. That comes from good leadership.

Things didn't devolve to this state; lines were drawn from the beginning. Even with the election won, it seemed the mayor and her main ally were still in battle mode; that there were factions in the town hall and within the town itself that required combating. That undercurrent of paranoia is unsettling.

Efforts were made to differentiate this mayor and council from previous ones. It's difficult to see improvements - and that wasn't a particularly unattainable goal. The bar wasn't set that high (with some individual exceptions).

Believe me, I was no fan of the previous mayor, far from it, in fact. That's why hopes were high. Those hopes have been dashed. It's also why many former supporters are now highly critical of Mayor Morris. This vehement criticism is born of a sense of betrayal of those raised hopes.

Disappointed and dismayed in 'dis town

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly. The hope that has turned into a different reality. Very disappointing for this town.