"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 1 January 2011

An Election Message Misunderstood

Anonymous said...on December 31st

"We are witnessing, an addendum to a play that ended on October 25th .Scripts
have been written. The roles of Stone Face and Fiendish Foe already

We are witnessing the way civilians feel that the only way to be heard by their elected officials is to go "over the heads" of staff. This is the new normal in how we tax payers have to get things done. We pay huge taxes and do not see results to our liking. In order to get our voices heard, this must be done. Change your rules - the public expects to be heard.


The public has recently been heard. The message conveyed to me is the exact opposite of that reflected above. The election demonstrated this community wants openness, fairness and equality. A known set of rules approved by the elected body and upheld by the administration.

Having the ear of the Mayor and receiving preferential treatment with the expected return of slavish support at the polls was not the practice endorsed by the voters at large.

There is no public appetite for watching staff being pilloried because he/she understands the professional function and behaves accordingly.

Displacement of competent long-serving staff because of their awareness of the line between political and administrative authority, has no appeal for an aware electorate with a sense of fairness.

In return for enormous taxes collected and funds expended, the public expect professional advice, untainted by political imperative.

Compromise is the political domain. To be done openly and transparently; so judgment exercised can be seen, understood and measured accordingly.

If the election message is correctly read, the public are done with scheming and plotting and constantly calculating political advantage behind the scenes. They want no more of that.

As a practical politician, I do not deny strategy listed above have always been a feature of politics. Being elected has borne little resemblance to taking Holy Orders.

Government is not like a nunnery.

All the same ,the social media has delivered the formerly free-wheeling aspect of politics a side-swipe the like of which has never been seen.

Into the ditch you go, my friend, without ceremony.

Well, I ask you, with every other aspect of our culture rattling in its cage, why should politics escape?

The frustration of not being allowed to participate in town affairs in the last term was more than compensated by the opportunity to blog.Opening windows formerly sealed tight shut, shining spotlights in corners never seen before and providing play by play for a growing readership, who can't wait to log in every morning to read the latest, was sweet indeed.

On that note, on this First Day of the New Year,

From My House to Yours


I am certainly looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The public has been heard on WHO they want to govern this town. Now the public wants to be heard as to WHAT they want in this town. The two are mutually exclusive. Don't think that now the election is in the books all is rosy within the town.

The period between elections has grown over the decades and now sits at 4 years. This is too long for local government to keep apprised of the needs and demands of their constituents. For this reason, over the years it has become normal to go directly to an elected official if a member of the public (or a group) feel that they need a specific issue dealt with in quick order.

This has nothing to do with "having the ear" of the Mayor. It has to do with CUSTOMER SERVICE! This partiular CUSTOMER felt they they were not given the service that they pay for. It is within their rights to "speak to the boss". In the Town of Aurora, the BOSS is the MAYOR. The general public (excluing most of the glad-handers on the Aurora blogs) care less about the feeling of staff when they need something from the town.

Municipal staff have it pretty good. Their OMERS pension is flush with money. Unless they kill someone at work, they are pretty much assured of their job security. The public at large demands results in their time frame - it has nothing to do with politics.