"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Cameras On The Blink

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Still On Water":

Evelyn, Can you tell us why the town council meeting was not televised last night? I was hoping to watch it live to see how the apology to council by the CFO would continue to play out. Can you give us an update on that?

Cameras were not in the Council Chamber last night. Apparently they had a breakdown.

So the  CFO's apology to Council did not continue  to play out. The Mayor covered for the bureaucrats nicely.

I  asked to be recognized on a Question of Privilege. The  procedure   allows a Councillor to declare they have been offended by the  comment or comments of another member. It's a  rule that permits civility to prevail. It keeps the seed of  personal  resentment and animosity from taking root. Without it, relationships quickly degenerate to  the level of the gutter. An environment  which  besmirches everyone exposed. No-one shows well.

There is  no  procedure  to permit staff  to speak during a council debate unless directed to do so by the presiding member. There are therefore no rules of order governing staff  participation  in the public debate.

My statement was as follows:

Mr. Mayor,

You invited me to clarify a comment I made in the course of debate  in the last Council meeting.

The question was re-consideration of Council's decision to adopt  a Bylaw to increase water rates .

The debate was disrupted by a staff person who has since apologized for showing disrespect to Council. The chief Administrative Officer  expressed deep disappointment at the time that I would make an accusation of a criminal nature .

I understand  scrutiny of the transcript of my comments has established I made no such accusation.However, I am happy to provide the context of  my comment as you requested.

Let me first say Mr. Mayor, I have a clear understanding of the definition of the charge of fraud, It is an indictable offence punishable by a jail term. Some years ago, I  successfully defended a young person against such a charge in the Newmarket court house.

The definition of the charge is a deliberate plan by person or persons to deprive someone else of that which is rightfully theirs.

My point in the debate Mr.Mayor was directed to the question on the floor. Council's decision to adopt the Water Rates Bylaw.

No offence was taken by any member of Council from my use of the term. Therefore no Councillor believed I was accusing Council of perpetrating a fraud.

For two years  Mr. Mayor, I have challenged what I consider to be exorbitant increases in the town's water rates.

For five years ,I have consistently opposed the town's budget.

For the reason Mr. Mayor,that I cannot assure the people who gave me authority to occupy this seat, their financial interests are being represented.

I make no bones about my contention.

I believe the methodology used by the administration for water rate increases is seriously flawed.

I believe it is my responsibility to say so, frankly and clearly.

I do not acknowledge any person's right to challenge my authority to speak freely in a council debate.

Interrupt me while speaking.

Criticize my perspective on matters before Council.

Imply ulterior motive for a particular perspective

Rules of Order governing a Council debate  are clear. Mr. Mayor.

I am deeply disappointed that staff were permitted to disrupt a debate with an accusation against a Council Member . A charge that proved to be false was made by Mr. Elliott and supported by Mr. Garbe.

It was an onerous gesture of disrespect toward Council.

An apology will not suffice. No less than a full and public written withdrawal of the accusation is acceptable.

End of statement.

The Mayor chose  not to defend  the authority and supremacy of council. Not a wise decision.


Anonymous said...

Someone needs to inform the Mayor that this is a municipal government governed by rules that must be followed, NOT a private business where sticky situations can be finessed, managed, ignored or whatever. You (and he) are politicians, with a mandate to clearly, and as loudly and with as much political rhetoric as you choose, identify and call out issues which are of material importance to the citizens of this town. Whenever and however you are limited in exercising that mandate, be it by other members of council, staff, or even private citizens, the Mayor must be strong in order to ensure that debate is open, and honest, and not hindered in any way.

Even if I give Mayor Dawe the benefit of the doubt when the alleged slight by you against the CFO was first raised, there is, in my opinion, no excuse for being weak last night, given the (un-recorded) apology of the CFO last week.

If not careful, this council may just end up as bad as the last, for reasons that are polar opposite, but that both stem from the top.

Anonymous said...

Whose cameras are used in the taping and televising? Presumably they belong to Rogers.

They have a responsibility to ensure that they are functioning properly. They should check these out several hours in advance of a Council meeting and if there is a problem they would have enough time to correct it or replace the defective equipment.

The present situation of last night should have resulted in at least a severe reprimand to the Rogers staff, or even worse.

This is a huge national company that is always trying to sell us on what wonderful things they have to offer, how great their service is and how competitive their prices. Last night's camera failure seems to indicate that Rogers is 'bush league.'

Your previous poster has already commented on Mayor Dawe. I shall not add anything except my full and complete agreement

Anonymous said...

During the election campaign, Mr. Dawe used
a term to good effect. He said ,'What part of
'no' is it that you do not understand ?' it is
past time for him to start applying that in
effect, and take back his Council from all those
who merely want to use it.

Anonymous said...

If Mayor Dawe does not bone up on his
procedural by laws and stop letting Staff and
Wendy Guaertner direct the traffic around the
the Council table, he is going the be
witnessing a monumental crash.

Anonymous said...

I am still looking for an answer to a question.
Does anybody know if Gaertner apologized for accusing the town clerk of doctoring the minutes or is her "impugning character" behaviour still out there without resolution? What did mayor Dawe do about that one other than block her microphone?