Saturday, 26 January 2013

NOT $60,000

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Didn't Hear That":

There is no current " Whitehurst situation ". Echoes of the past. There certainly was one during an earlier period.

The question does relate to an echo of the past. Also  to an issue very much in the present.; Conflict of Interest.
The Consultant's  Report on  management of Church Street School was adopted and an Ad Hoc Committee appointed by Council. 
Councillors Gaertner and Granger were Council representaives
Gaertner was chair. The new Curator paid for mostly by a grant from the town but hired  by the Historical Society was staff resource to the committee.
I imagine the opportunity to organise a new museum with state of the art facilities was the job's attraction for an experienced curator. . The curator processed an application for a grant from Canada Heritage. 
I'm told it takes considerable skill to handle one of those suckers. . It was successful. $750,000 was obtained. Interior storm windows were installed.   HVAC system .Air quality, specific to the needs of care of artifacts was part of the specifications.  .
At some point, the Curator decided or more likely realised, the museum was not going to be . Another opportunity beckoned and off she went.
Ken Whitehurst, a member of the committee, while still a member,  took  the curator's place as  resource to the committee.
Payment  for services, while still a member , was decided  by  town staff to be $60, an hour.  
Conflict of Interest regulations apply to  committee members as  to Council. Queries about Mr. Whitehurst status as a sitting committee member  serving the committee were asked.
The opinion of the town's  treasurer of the day was  sought  by the Mayor for his opinion. The official bowed his head and said no, there was not. 
I believe his own resignation was pending at the time.
Conflictof Interest rules dictate onlt the person with a possible conflict can make the determination. No advice from a town official is relevant.   
A letter written to the editor by a previous President of the Historical Society warranted Mr. Whitehurst'  credentials for the job. While not stating what they were exactly.
Mr Whitehurst was a manager of the former Mayor's several election campaigns and member of several key  town advisory committees after her election.
The Mayor stopped by my chair on one of the few occasions we actually exchanged words and informed me how distressing it was for Mr. Whitehurst and his family  for his name to be publicly referenced  about his involvement in public affairs.
The total amount paid to Mr.Whitehurst for his service was stated . I don't re-call the figure.
$60,000 does not ring a bell.     

1 comment:

  1. Can Wynne win or will they go with Pupatello? Your guess, please? Me, I think they will play it safe.


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