"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Pay Close Attention

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Best Laid Plans Gang Aft Agley":

No wonder Phyllis' Web-site claims that she love this town. Aurora paid for her vendetta SLAPP lawsuit and is now apparently paying while she uses lawyers so as not to return the town's original money which was miss-spent as the Defamation case was thrown out. Has the world gone nuts! Don't these insurance people talk to each other?


The S.L.A P.P was the last vendetta. It was  undertaken during the election campaign

Vendettas started in the first week of a the 2007-2010 term and continued throughout. 

Hundreds of thousands of  taxpayer dollars  have departed the town treusury.

The "investigation" of myself which amounted listening to tapes of my  comments during public meetings,reading the blogs and letters to the editor  and interpreting the meaning to suit the purpose as instructed.
Writing the report. And composing the complaint as instructed.  That task alone had a price tag of $70,000.

There was the vendetta against the former Mayor  that continued for two years. The one against the former CAO.involved the services of John Mascarin and carried on for months. 

Several attempts  by myself to have figures  released  were successfully foiled  with  staff co-operation.

Oh yes and there was the staff operson coerced to file a complaint of harrassment  and professional fees expended there as well. 

And the second Integrity Commissioner  and  with his $40 or $5o thousand.to connsdier two complaints against myslf  by Councillor Mac Eachern.   

Funds expended  are undoubtedly in the hundred of thousands.

Add  costs of severance for various staff relieved of responsibilities  and figures might even reach the scope of a federal sponsorship scandal.  

The S.L.A.P.P. 
action cost least of all because  the town's role in   was terminated by the election. 

But not before we paid Mr. Rust D'Eye $8,500  to advise we should pay $55,000 to the lawyer retained to process the S.L.A,P.P.action..

I didn't agree with  asking for  that advice or acting on it either. 

A severance figure of $186,000  was in addition  to that

The town's  2013 budget has been increased by $36,000  to accommodate  the  increase in insurance premiums. due to the increase in claims. 


Anonymous said...

Holy Doodle! If they had spent a fraction of that money & effort on just managing the town as they had been elected to do, we would have been in a much better place. But, then, the 'management' part didn't go too well either. West Hill must have cost a bundle as well as the chicanes and that old bug-bear, the Centre.

Anonymous said...

"Vendettas started in the first week of a the 2007-2010 term and continued throughout."

Really??? Day 1 after the election she woke up and said "I am the Mayor, now it's time to smite those that have pissed me off"?

I really think that you give her too much credit. I think that she got tied up into events and they dragged her down into a spiral that, looking at them as a whole, appear to be a grand plan. I don't think she is that bright to think a plan up like that.

Anonymous said...

11:06 AM
Not on her own she wasn't. It is remarkable that the group of individuals came together to form such a unit. Such a confluence of negative energy does not occur often.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget former Councillor Grace Marsh. She quit council because of how she was treated and then had her reasoning misrepresented. Grace wrote a letter to the editor in an effort to correct the public record.

Anonymous said...

Grace Marsh should have stated clearly her reasons for quitting at the time of her resignation. Morris then wouldn't have had the opportunity to misrepresent them, and the wider public would have had an insight into the nasty goings-on at Town Hall.

Anonymous said...

To 9:31 AM.

I suspect that Morris knew full well why Grace quit.

As I recall, I think that Grace could not stand being bullied.

Anonymous said...

Grace Marsh wrote a letter in the April 29, 2008 issue of The Auroran. I think that it’s worth a remembering what happened to her.

Here is a quote. “I also expected an atmosphere of respect for others and their opinions, a working atmosphere similar to most business environments where discussion can and [do] take place without anger, threats and insults... I personally felt it was a situation I could no longer tolerate”.

I’m willing to bet that there are a few councillors from the previous term who shared Grace's experience and concerns.

We can only hope that the previous council’s legacy of acrimony speaks for itself as does the lingering effect of some of its remnants and its defenders.

I think that Grace and many other people would agree that the previous council in no way set the standard for freedom of thought and expression. Quite the opposite.