"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 6 March 2013

A Growing List

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The eternal conundrum":

Speaking of The Auroran... I read the piece about the former Hyrdo building being declared surplus.

Luckily this was defeated. Evelyn, I don't understand your flip-flop stance. You were all up in arms about the lease to DND because you felt that this building was being used well and it caused us to build another. No you are saying it is surplus? You can't have it both ways and clearly the council saw your motion for what it was.... political grand-standing.


 I can  so have it both waysSince you profess not to be able to understand , let me explain it to you. 

The hydro building was being used for town purposes. 

Archives were being stored in the building. 

Dismantled barns of historical significance were stored in the yard. 

The parks building was building parks furniture within. The parks department is made up mostly by seasonal workers. The full time skeleton staff have a variety of skills. Many construction projects are carried out to completion  by parks employees. 

In the winter, they are occupied  cinstructing  parks furniture; picnic tables, garbage containers and such. 

The first winter  they were in the building they built a gazebo inside  and erected it in a park in Spring.

New furniture is always needed  because  new parks are always being built . 

I did not support turfing  the parks department from the building to make room for Queen's York Rangers week-end activities.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on the building to bring it up to their needs. 

We did not make it  known  the building was available for rent.

.We did not declare the building surplus to our needs. It is the  required legal process before a municipality  divests itself of a  facility. Yet we did not observe the law.

We gave Queen's York Rangers preference. 

Ahead of the interest of the people we  are elected to serve.

We signed a lease agreement that cannot be made public for national security reasons.

Apparently  alterations have been made in our  building that never received  town  approval. 

The lease is for ten years with a possible extension of five  years.

 If   need is not foreseen  for a peruod of fifteen years, no need exists for the building.

The lease confirms the building  is surplus to  town needs. It is no longer, nor will it in the foreseeable future  be  needed  by the town 

It is surplus to the needs. 

We are building a twenty million dollar joint facility for works and parks to  meet our needs. 

During the debate on Tueday, Councillor ,the Righteous With Teeth, Ballard, objected to  a  reference  to his   involvement  with the deal the town made.

Liar liar pants on fire. Bite your own ass.

 The Auroran  quotes  the  high standard Councillor  stating  in the same debate ;

"One of the key reasons I remember we offered the building  was to keep York Region's most historic regiment in its historic home"

The Pure and Righteous One was not a member of the last Council. How did he  happen to be making an offer of  a town building .
The Hydro building is anything but historic.

Some , including me. would argue Fort York Armouries in Toronto is legitimate home to Queen's York Rangers. The museum is there. 

The Rangers were not homeless.

The drill shed on the corner of Mosely Park is a drill shed. 

If the Federal government had plans, why are  hard-pressed property owners in Aurora  responsible for the survival of Queen's York Rangers.

So,  here we have yet another example of the town's interest not  served then and not served now.

Once again ,this Council is accountable for the decisions of the past Council. 

It's a growing list.



Anonymous said...

Once again, that constantly harping critic throws a ball that you knock right out of the Park. Has it ever made a comment that was favourable to anything about you or your Blog ?

Anonymous said...

The Rangers have a new home. It is time to decide, sensibly, what to do with the left-overs. As Morris put it so gracefully, " Give the kiddies a place to play ". That was an ignorant remark about the Rangers then and remains so today. All property in town should be inventoried and the excess sold off or rented. Aurora needs in-coming revenue badly.